"Suspected" is a word in ENGLISH

suspected ENGLISH

of Suspect

suspected ENGLISH

Distrusted; doubted.

Few words of positivity

The scene is most beautiful without people in it. People just screw things up. Forget the whole thing, the world, all the living people, I tell myself, and it has a ring of truth to it. The dead are better, aren't they? The dead don't betray or harm. They've already done all they can do. I can't figure out what people mean or who they are or whether they can be trusted, so, forget them. Don't even try anymore. For now at least, forget the living.

Jael McHenry

Laugh your heart out.

What should you buy if your hair falls out ?A good vacuum cleaner !

distrust ENGLISH

State of being suspected; loss of trust.

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dúda - (Sp. duda) Doubt, misgiving, suspense, demur, scepticism, mistrust, hesitation, suspicion, scruple, qualm, question, query; to doubt, diffide, distrust, …

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górò - To hiss, bubble, effervesce, fizz, fizzle, sing, froth, foam, gurgle as rice when nearly boiled, a soda-water bottle …

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jealous ENGLISH

Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity …

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mistrust ENGLISH

To regard with jealousy or suspicion; to suspect; to doubt the integrity of; to distrust.

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suspect ENGLISH

Suspicious; inspiring distrust.

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suspect ENGLISH

Suspected; distrusted.

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The act of suspecting, or the state of being suspected; imagination, generally of something ill; distrust; mistrust ; doubt. McCalls …

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