"Surety" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


A surety is one who at the re-quest of another, nnd for the purpose of securing to him a benefit, becomes responsible for the performance by the latter of some act in favor of a third person, or hypothecates property as security therefor. Civ. Code CaL S 2831; Civ. Code Dak. | 1673

surety ENGLISH

One who is bound with and for another who is primarily
liable, and who is called the principal; one who engages to answer for
another's appearance in court, or for his payment of a debt, or for
performance of some act; a bondsman; a bail.

surety ENGLISH

That which makes sure; that which confirms; ground of
confidence or security.

surety ENGLISH

Hence, a substitute; a hostage.

surety ENGLISH

To act as surety for.

surety ENGLISH

The state of being sure; certainty; security.

surety ENGLISH

Evidence; confirmation; warrant.

surety ENGLISH

Security against loss or damage; security for payment, or
for the performance of some act.

Few words of positivity

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The act of a judge or magistrate ln sanctioning and accepting as satisfactory a bond, security, or other in-strumeut which …

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clinch ENGLISH

The act or process of holding fast; that which serves to hold fast; a grip; a grasp; a clamp; a …

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To give or deposit as a pledge or security for some act; to wage or wager; to pawn or pledge.

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A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act by the …

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The act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty; reimbursement of loss, damage, or penalty; …

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An Indemnity ls a col-lateral contract or assurance, by which one person engages to secure another against an anticipated loss …

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kunsabu CEBUANO

kunsábu v [C; c3] plot or connive on the sly to do s.t. shady, or detrimental to s. o. Nagkunsábu …

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lacing ENGLISH

The act of securing, fastening, or tightening, with a lace or laces.

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A qualified right of property which a creditor has In or over specific property of his debtor, as security for …

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An estate created by a conveyance absolute ln lts form, hut intended to secure the performance of some act, such …

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pledge ENGLISH

Anything given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; a guarantee; as, mutual interest is the …

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precaution ENGLISH

A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions …

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Preference LAW AND LEGAL

The act of an lnsolveut debtor who, in distributing his property or in assigning it for the benefit of his …

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preservation ENGLISH

The act or process of preserving, or keeping safe; the state of being preserved, or kept from injury, destruction, or …

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The statute 34 A 35 Vict, c 112, passed for the purpose of securing a better supervision over habitual criminals. …

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Pro Majori Cautela LAW AND LEGAL

For great-er caution; by way of additional security. Usually applied to some act doue, or some clause inserted in an …

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Prosecuting Witness LAW AND LEGAL

This name is given to the private person upon whose complaint or information a criminal accusa-tion is founded and whose …

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Prospectus LAW AND LEGAL

A document published by a company or corporation, or by persons acting as its agents or assignees, setting forth the …

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securement ENGLISH

The act of securing; protection.

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Warrandice LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. warranty; a clause ln a charter or deed by which tbe grantor obliges himself that the right …

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