"Indemnity" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


An Indemnity ls a col-lateral contract or assurance, by which one person engages to secure another against an anticipated loss or to prevent him from be-lng damnified by the legal consequences of an act or forbearance on the part of one of the parties or of some thlrd person. See Clv. Code CaL § 2772, Davis v. Phanlx Ins. Co., Ill Cal. 409, 43 Pac. 1115; Vandiver ▼. Poliak, 107 Ala. 547, 19 South. 180, 54 Am. St Rep. 118; Henderson-Achert Lithograph-lc Co. v. John ShlUlto Co., 64 ohlo SL 236, 60 N. E. 295, 83 Am. St Rep. 745. Thus, lnsurance ls a contract of lndemnlty. So an Indemnifying bond ls glven to a sheriff who fears to proceed under an execution where the property is claimed by a stranger

indemnity ENGLISH

Security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage, past
or to come; immunity from penalty, or the punishment of past offenses;

indemnity ENGLISH

Indemnification, compensation, or remuneration for loss,
damage, or injury sustained.

Few words of positivity

The greatest enemy of clear language is insincerity.

George Orwell

Laugh your heart out.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful oil company. All day long she loved to run up and down the share price list, laughing and skipping. But one day she was very sad, because she couldn't find an interim dividend anywhere and she knew people would be very angry if she couldn't produce it."What's wrong, little oil company?" said a gruff voice nearby.She looked around and there was a funny little creature with spectacles, a bald patch and shaving cuts."I can't find a dividend," she said and started crying again."Don't worry," said the creature. "I can find you one.""How?" said the oil company, "And who are you?""I'm an accountant," he said. "As for how I do it, never you mind about that. But there's one condition. If I do find it for you, you must agree to let me stay with you.""Yes, yes!" she said, anxious only to get the dividend.The accountant disap peared into some books nearby and stayed there for a while. She could hear him muttering and tut-tutting and transferring accounts. Then he emerged and put his long sloping hand into hers."I've found you a dividend," he said.Her usual cheerfulness returned in an instant and she rushed off to tell her father, the Chairman. She forgot all about the accountant until he followed her in and reminded her of her promise; despite all her tears, her father insisted that she keep her word and that night the little accountant slept on the floor beside her bed.The next morning she opened her eyes and to her amazement she saw the accountant was exactly the same as he had been before."I know what you're thinking," smiled the accountant. "You're quite right. Before I was changed into an accountant I was a handsome young man with a devil-may-care attitude and considerable joie de vivre.""Then change back!" said t he oil company, clapping her hands."Are you crazy?" said the accountant. "Handsome young men are two a penny but clever, ugly little accountants are worth their weight in gold."

Adjustment LAW AND LEGAL

In the law of insur-ance, the adjustment of a loss ls the ascer-tninment of Its amount and the ratable distribution …

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In medical jurisprudence. Loss of the faculty or power of articulate speech; a condition In which the patient, while retaining …

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Compensation LAW AND LEGAL

Indemnification; pay-ment of damages; making amends; that which ls necessary to restore an injured par-ty to his former position. An …

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Policy Of Insurance LAW AND LEGAL

A mercantile instrument in writing, by which one party, in consideration of a premium, engages to lndemnify another against a …

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