"Sudiyang" is a word in CEBUANO

sudiyang CEBUANO

sudiyang n a cone-like, tapering structure used as an animal or fish trap into the smaller end of which the animal enters with ease, but which has tines, such that the animal cannot back out.
v [A; b6] catch or make into this sort of trap.

sudiyang CEBUANO

sudiyang n large tree of the primary or secondary forest pro-ducing hard, dark red lumber: Ctenolophon philippinense.

Few words of positivity

Some people use their own hurt as an excuse for hurting others

Roland Merullo, The Talk-Funny Girl

Laugh your heart out.

The Escaping Herd by Gay Topen


panág-on - Time, period, season. (cf. dágon).

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píngig - Protruding, prominent or ugly jaw-bones.

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discifloral ENGLISH

Alt. of Disciflorous

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personal ENGLISH

A movable; a chattel.

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boyfriend, lover

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kaákup - Hospitality, hospitableness. (cf. ákup).

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The Arabian name of two trees of the genus Balsamodendron, which yield a gum resin and a red aromatic wood.

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The quality of being indefinite.

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panganduhoy HILIGAYNON

pangandúhoy - To moan, sigh, grieve, wail, mourn, groan, lament, keen, whimper, whine. (cf. dúhoy). Also noun: a moan, etc.

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redhibitory ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to redhibition; as, a redhibitory action or fault.

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destroy ENGLISH

To ruin; to bring to naught; to put an end to; to annihilate; to consume.

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A throwing up of the head; a particular manner of raising the head with a jerk.

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tripartient ENGLISH

Dividing into three parts; -- said of a number which exactly divides another into three parts.

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planter ENGLISH

A colonist in a new or uncultivated territory; as, the first planters in Virginia.

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matinamaron HILIGAYNON

matinamarón - Lazy, idle, indolent, slow, sluggish, slothful, slack, otiose, inert, listless, drone. (cf. támad, matámad, tamarán, ligóy, ligoyán).

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hilabutay HILIGAYNON

hilabútay - To be at ease, tranquil, etc. See arabútay, libútay.

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