"Slamming" is a word in ENGLISH

slamming ENGLISH

of Slam

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!


antug v [A; c] {1} toss the coin in a coin-tossing game (han-tak). Ayaw ug antúgi ning batúha, Dont toss …

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dapug v [A; ac] strike, usually the head, with s.t. bulky. Dapuga siya íning batu, Strike him with this stone. …

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drayib CEBUANO

drayib v {1} [A; b(1)] drive a motor vehicle. {2} [A; c1] drive a ball in tennis or pingpong. Idrayib …

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hagpak CEBUANO

hagpak v [AB456; c1] slam with a loud bang. Kinsa tung naghagpak sa sira? Nangítà tug áway? Who slammed the …

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hagsà v [B2; c1] {1} fall heavily onto s.t. hard, cause s.t. to do so. Nahagsà ang ayruplánu, The airplane …

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hampak CEBUANO

hampak v {1} [A; ab2] strike, slam with force making a noisy impact. Natukyas ang atup kay gihampak sa hángin, …

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hampas TAGALOG

hampas1 Active Verb: humampas Definition: (verb) to slam against something 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: Humampas ang ulo niya sa dingding. …

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kugang CEBUANO

kugang a startled. Hastang kugánga nákù paglagpak sa sira, God! How that slamming door startled me! v [B1256; b4(1)] startle, …

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lagapok, lagapok HILIGAYNON

lagápok, lagapók - The noise of a book, board, sheet of iron, etc. falling flat; to clap, flop, slap, plump, …

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lágpok - Slap, clap, slam, flop, noise of a falling book, board, etc.; to flop, bang, etc. to the floor. …

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lamba v {1} [A; b5c] slam s.t. long and hard against s.t. Kinsang pliyíra tung milamba sa bátir sa yútà? …

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lambus CEBUANO

lambus v [A; c1] strike with s.t. heavy, usually in a downward motion. Mga balud nga milambus sa gamayng sakayan, …

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langkat CEBUANO

langkat v {1} [A; a] rip o? , out, tear forcibly away. Átung langkátun ang salug, Let us rip the …

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ligtik CEBUANO

ligtik v [B26; a12] for s.t. to crack under pressure or sudden change of temperature. Muligtik nang ímung tiyan ug …

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lugapak CEBUANO

lugapak, lugápak n banging, slapping, cracking sound. Ang lu-gapak sa kawáyan, The cracking of the bamboo. v [A2S; ac] make …

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pakang CEBUANO

pakang v {1} [AC; ab2c] hit with s.t. fairly good-sized. Nagkapákang ang ílang úlu, Their heads slammed into each other. …

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pasíntok - Caus. of síntok. To knock together, strike, crash, bump, bang, clash, slam, hit, whack, beat, batter, strike together …

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pusdak CEBUANO

pusdak v [A; c] let s.t. fall with a crash either by slamming it down or just dropping it if …

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sábà a noisy. Sábà kaáyu ang tyanggihan, The marketplace is very noisy. n noise. Ang sábà abut diri nákù, The …

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To shut with force and a loud noise; to bang; as, he slammed the door.

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