"Skepticism" is a word in ENGLISH

skepticism ENGLISH

An undecided, inquiring state of mind; doubt;

skepticism ENGLISH

The doctrine that no fact or principle can be certainly
known; the tenet that all knowledge is uncertain; Pyrrohonism;
universal doubt; the position that no fact or truth, however worthy of
confidence, can be established on philosophical grounds; critical
investigation or inquiry, as opposed to the positive assumption or
assertion of certain principles.

skepticism ENGLISH

A doubting of the truth of revelation, or a denial of
the divine origin of the Christian religion, or of the being,
perfections, or truth of God.

Few words of positivity

Weep no more lady weep no more Thy sorrow is in vain For violets plucked the sweetest showers Will ne'er make grow again.

Thomas Percy

Laugh your heart out.

I'm a bee - can you be my honey?


To question or hold questionable; to withhold assent to; to hesitate to believe, or to be inclined not to believe; …

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To waver in opinion or judgment; to be in uncertainty as to belief respecting anything; to hesitate in belief; to …

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A fluctuation of mind arising from defect of knowledge or evidence; uncertainty of judgment or mind; unsettled state of opinion …

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duha-duha HILIGAYNON

duhá-dúha - Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,—a quandary,—suspense, to vacillate, …

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experiment ENGLISH

Atrial or special observation, made to confirm or disprove something doubtful; esp., one under conditions determined by the experimenter; an …

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inconclusive ENGLISH

Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence …

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positive ENGLISH

Hence: Not admitting of any doubt, condition, qualification, or discretion; not dependent on circumstances or probabilities; not speculative; compelling assent …

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skeptic ENGLISH

A person who doubts the existence and perfections of God, or the truth of revelation; one who disbelieves the divine …

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skeptical ENGLISH

Doubting or denying the truth of revelation, or the sacred Scriptures.

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suspect ENGLISH

To hold to be uncertain; to doubt; to mistrust; to distruct; as, to suspect the truth of a story.

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verily ENGLISH

In very truth; beyond doubt or question; in fact; certainly.

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