"Inconclusive" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Inconclusive LAW AND LEGAL

That which may be disproved or rebutted; not shutting out fur-ther proof or consideration. Applied to evi-dence and presumptions

inconclusive ENGLISH

Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing
or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence is
inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in
such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or

Few words of positivity

There is no logical staircase running from the physics of 10-28 cm. to the physics of 1028 light-years.

Norwood Russell Hanson, Patterns of Discovery: An Inquiry Into the Conceptual Foundations of Science

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do so many fishermen own banjos?A: They make great anchors!

litigate ENGLISH

To make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, exhibition of evidence, …

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