"Sizar" is a word in ENGLISH


One of a body of students in the universities of Cambridge
(Eng.) and Dublin, who, having passed a certain examination, are
exempted from paying college fees and charges. A sizar corresponded to
a servitor at Oxford.

Few words of positivity

She feels lonely all the time, she wants to be accepted, by anyone, on any terms, but she feels apart. As if nobody who really got to know her would trust her.

L.J. Smith

Laugh your heart out.

As the bus came to the stop, the man at the front of the queue took out his eye, threw it up in the air and caught it before getting on the bus. An amazed conductor said, 'What on earth did you do that for?' 'I wanted to know if there was room on top,' replied the man.

Absolutism LAW AND LEGAL

Any system of government, be lt a monarchy or democracy, in which one or more persons, or a class, govern …

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actinomere ENGLISH

One of the radial segments composing the body of one of the Coelenterata.

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action ENGLISH

A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or …

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A morbid condition causing a peculiar brownish discoloration of the skin, and thought, at one time, to be due to …

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adducent ENGLISH

Bringing together or towards a given point; -- a word applied to those muscles of the body which pull one …

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adessenarian ENGLISH

One who held the real presence of Christ's body in the eucharist, but not by transubstantiation.

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adjourn ENGLISH

To suspend business for a time, as from one day to another, or for a longer period, or indefinitely; usually, …

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adventist ENGLISH

One of a religious body, embracing several branches, who look for the proximate personal coming of Christ; -- called also …

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agitator ENGLISH

One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell's time, to look after their interests; -- called …

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One of a peculiar race inhabiting Yesso, the Kooril Islands etc., in the northern part of the empire of Japan, …

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air sac ENGLISH

One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with …

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alderman ENGLISH

One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. …

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alkaloid ENGLISH

An organic base, especially one of a class of substances occurring ready formed in the tissues of plants and the …

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amalgamator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, amalgamates. Specifically: A machine for separating precious metals from earthy particles by bringing them in …

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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anak n son, daughter. sa búhat {1} laborer. {2} accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku …

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antherozooid ENGLISH

One of the mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of cryptogams.

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apiktr CEBUANO

apiktr -du() a a? ected by s.t. Apiktádu kaáyu ang mga giniká-nan sa mga bátang magbinúang, The parents are very …

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To lay or place; to put or adjust (one thing to another); -- with to; as, to apply the hand …

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appulse ENGLISH

The near approach of one heavenly body to another, or to the meridian; a coming into conjunction; as, the appulse …

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