"Sinalayo" is a word in HILIGAYNON


sinalayó - (H) Social relations, life or
intercourse, family life; to live, spend one’s
life, pass one’s days, have social relations or
intercourse. Matáwhay ang íla
pagsinalayó. They are leading a tranquil
life. Nagasinalayó silá dídto sing mahiól
kaáyo. They are living there under
miserable conditions. Magsinalayó kamó
sing matárung. Live together honestly. (cf.
sayó, salayó, sarayó, sinarayó).

Few words of positivity

She walked with darkness dripping off her shoulders, I've seen ghosts brighter than her soul.

VaZaki Nada

Laugh your heart out.

Policeman: Why were you asleep at the wheel?Motorist: Your siren lulled me to sleep.


anak n son, daughter. sa búhat {1} laborer. {2} accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku …

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The relation of a point or position in a series, or of degree, rate, or value; as, with the thermometer …

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bangun CEBUANO

bángun v {1} [A2; b2] get up from a lying position. Mubángun kug sayu, Ill get up early. Hibangunan ta …

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biolytic ENGLISH

Relating to the destruction of life.

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biotic ENGLISH

Relating to life; as, the biotic principle.

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climate ENGLISH

The condition of a place in relation to various phenomena of the atmosphere, as temperature, moisture, etc., especially as they …

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domestic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to one's house or home, or one's household or family; relating to home life; as, domestic concerns, …

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Dramatic Composition LAW AND LEGAL

In copy-right law. A literary work setting forth a story, incident, or scene from life, in which, however, the narrative …

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Ex Scriptis Olim Visis LAW AND LEGAL

From writings formerly seen. A term used as descriptive of that kind of proof of handwriting where the knowledge has …

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higála - (B) Social intercourse, companionship, companion, chum, friend, pal; to have social relations, be friends, come together in social …

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history ENGLISH

A systematic, written account of events, particularly of those affecting a nation, institution, science, or art, and usually connected with …

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kalabaw CEBUANO

kalabaw n carabao, water bu? alo. dakung fully grown, old enough. Dakù ka nang kábaw wà gihápun kay buut, Youre …

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Lucid Intervals LAW AND LEGAL

In medical ju-risprudence. Intervals occurring in the men-tal life of an insane person during which he is completely restored to …

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Necessaries LAW AND LEGAL

Things indispensable, or things proper and useful, for the sustenance of human life. This is a relative term, and its …

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pastoral ENGLISH

A cantata relating to rural life; a composition for instruments characterized by simplicity and sweetness; a lyrical composition the subject …

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pastoral ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to shepherds; hence, relating to rural life and scenes; as, a pastoral life.

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To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position; to surround with particular circumstances or relations in life; …

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prumisa CEBUANO

prumísa n promise relating to s.t. important, not trivial. v [A; c] make a solemn promise. Iprumísa nákù Ginúu ug …

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The condition of a slave; that civll relation In which one man has ab-solute power over the life, fortune, end …

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tiáyon - To live together as husband and wife, have marital relations, be married, wedded, in wedlock. Ang íla pagtiáyon——. …

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