"Lucid Intervals" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Lucid Intervals LAW AND LEGAL

In medical ju-risprudence. Intervals occurring in the men-tal life of an insane person during which he is completely restored to the use of his reason, or so far restored that be has suffl-dent intelligence, judgment, and will to enter Into contractual relations, or perform other legal acts, without disqualification by reason of his disease. See Insanity

Few words of positivity

Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.

Christopher Hitchens, god is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

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Why should you use six hooks on your fishing line? eFISHancy!

Depositary LAW AND LEGAL

The party receiving a deposit; one with whom anything is lodged in trust, as “depository” is the place where it …

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Latin: Giving the reason of his knowledge. In Scotch practice. A formal phrase used in depositions, preceding the statement of …

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