"Sightsman" is a word in ENGLISH

sightsman ENGLISH

One who reads or performs music readily at first sight.

Few words of positivity

I think that the event which, more than anything else, led me to the search for ways of making more powerful radio telescopes, was the recognition, in 1952, that the intense source in the constellation of Cygnus was a distant galaxy—1000 million light years away. This discovery showed that some galaxies were capable of producing radio emission about a million times more intense than that from our own Galaxy or the Andromeda nebula, and the mechanisms responsible were quite unknown. ... [T]he possibilities were so exciting even in 1952 that my colleagues and I set about the task of designing instruments capable of extending the observations to weaker and weaker sources, and of exploring their internal structure.

Martin Ryle

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the condom cross the road?Because it was pissed off.


aku I, me. Aku lang, Let me do it. Short form: ku. Adtu na ku (aku), Im going now. ay …

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alingawngaw CEBUANO

alingawngaw pa- v [A; b6] pretend not to hear or see or know about s.t. one knows very well about. …

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anagram ENGLISH

Literally, the letters of a word read backwards, but in its usual wider sense, the change or one word or …

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arusga ILOKANO

v, /-UM-:-AN/ to do something beyond the limit of one’s capability, competence or endurance. Umarisga nga agbasa diay ubing. The …

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To the place from which one came; to the place or person from which something is taken or derived; as, …

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barug v {1} [APB36; c1P] stand, stand up, cause to do so. Mubarug kita inigtugtug sa nasudnung áwit, Let us …

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bato-bato HILIGAYNON

bató-bató - Dim. of bató. Also: to do a little at a time, pick up here and there, read and …

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bookholder ENGLISH

A support for a book, holding it open, while one reads or copies from it.

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bulag v {1} [A2B2; bc] separate from, get separated. Adtu ku mubulag nímu sa iskína, I will leave you at …

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copyholder ENGLISH

One who reads copy to a proof reader.

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dálan n {1} street, road, way. Giaspaltu ang tanang dálan, All the streets are paved. Nagbúlag silag dálan, They parted …

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daplin CEBUANO

daplin pa- v {1a} [A2; c] put aside s.t. one is doing. Mipadaplin siya sa íyang gibása ug namátì sa …

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dáut v {1} [A; a12] destroy, make inoperative. Nadáut ang mak-ina kay wà kabutangig asíti, The machine was ruined because …

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dugtung CEBUANO

dugtung v {1} [A; ac] join end to end. Dugtúnga ang duha ka kadína, Join the two chains together. Dugtúnga …

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dungaw CEBUANO

dúngaw v {1} [A2SP; ab2b3] direct ones sight downwards. Dungáwa intáwun ning nag-umbangul sa kasákit, Look out of the window …

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emphasis ENGLISH

A particular stress of utterance, or force of voice, given in reading and speaking to one or more words whose …

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epistoler ENGLISH

One of the clergy who reads the epistle at the communion service; an epistler.

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hágù v {1} [A; a] exert e? ort. Naghágù kug limpiyu sa báy, I went to a lot of trouble …

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hatuhatu CEBUANO

hatùhatù v [A1; c1] {1} eat greedily or ravenously. Pwirti giyud tingáli nímung gutúma kay naghatùhatù ka man giyug káun, …

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hi-an() inflectional a? x, future and past. (subjunctive hi-i) {1} added to the same bases as the ones to which …

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