"Siay" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


siáy - A kind of trap for catching wild
chickens, etc.; to catch with such a trap.


síay v {1} [A3PC3] for di?
erent smells, tastes, atmospheres to be mixed together in one place.
Ang tánang báhù nagsíay sa sim-bahan, All di?
erent odors are mixed together inside the church.
{2} [A23C3] for di?
erent smells or atmospheres to mix and con-tradict each other.
Magkasíay ang ginamus ug kámay ug dungá-nun pagkáun, Fish paste and brown sugar do not go well if you eat them together.

Few words of positivity

If you promote peace and progress for others, I don’t think you will have sleepless nights.

Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Thoughts

Laugh your heart out.

"Can I go outside and watch the solar eclipse?" asked Rupert. "Okay," replied his father, "but don't stand too close."


agi {1} oh my! , expression of surprise. Agi, kadakù ánang isdáa! Oh my! How big that fish is! {1a} …

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ánaw n area of the surface of the sea which has a di? erent texture from the surrounding area, usually …

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babil a be bothered with s.t. s. o. is carrying. Ayaw pagdalag mga bátà kay babil ka unyà kaáyu, Dont …

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bahig v [A; a12] sort, separate according to di? erent classes or sizes. Bahigun nátù ang lubi sa tulu ka …

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balighu CEBUANO

balighù n di? erent from the expected. Dakung balighù, gipusil siya apan wà dutli, How strange! He was shot but …

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balius CEBUANO

balíus v [C13; c3] pass one another going in di? erent directions. Nagkabalíus mi kay pag-abut nákù mu say íyang …

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bátuk n a small area di? erent in color or texture from the background. Ang irù dúnay itum nga bátuk …

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bayà {1} particle giving an admonitary tone. {a} with an imperative: make sure that, better do. Hinumdumi bayà, Youd better …

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bayi n {1} female animal or plant. {2} descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to …

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birianadir CEBUANO

birianádir a having adopted a haughty, stand-o? sh attitude (colloquial). Basta iksámin birianádir siya kay dì man pakupya, He is …

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bisita CEBUANO

bisíta n {1} visitor, guest. Abiabíha ang átung mga bisíta, En-tertain our visitors. {2} monthly menstruation (slang). Gi-tunghà ka na …

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búhat v {1} [A; a2] do s.t. , do work. Dì ka pakan-un dinhi ug dì ka mubúhat, If you …

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daiya ka- v [A13] varied, of all di? erent kinds. Nagkadaíya ang ámung bálun, We took along all kinds of …

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dipirinsiya CEBUANO

dipirinsiya a di? erent from what is expected. Dipirinsiya na run ang íyang panlíhuk, Her ways are very di? erent …

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dyukir CEBUANO

dyúkir a {1} fond of making jokes. {2} one who goofed, made a ludicrous mistake. Kadyúkir nímu. Ngánung gikandadúhan nímung …

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galing CEBUANO

gáling v [A; a1] make a post, tree, or anything rooted to the ground face a di? erent direction or …

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hagpat CEBUANO

hagpat v [A; a2b2] {1} pick out s.t. from a larger group. Usa ra ang nahagpatan sa mga nagdimunstrít nga …

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hawà a {1} devoid of, lacking s.t. completely. Hawà ang kwartu human panguhái sa mwiblis, The room was bare after …

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ihap v [AC; a] count. Makaihap siya hangtud sa usa ka gatus, He can count to a hundred. Nag-íhap ang …

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intirnasyunal CEBUANO

intirnasyunal a {1} international. {2} woman having had sev-eral children from di? erent fathers, usually of di? erent nation-alities (humorous). …

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