"Semiparabola" is a word in ENGLISH

semiparabola ENGLISH

One branch of a parabola, being terminated at the
principal vertex of the curve.

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and says, "Youknow, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"


abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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adventist ENGLISH

One of a religious body, embracing several branches, who look for the proximate personal coming of Christ; -- called also …

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baliktus CEBUANO

baliktus v {1} = baligtus. {2} [B] be wrapped around, coil one-self around. Mibaliktus (nabaliktus) ang hálas sa sanga, The …

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One of the side branches of a feather, which collectively constitute the vane. See Feather.

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branch ENGLISH

One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance; as, the branches of an …

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brancher ENGLISH

That which shoots forth branches; one who shows growth in various directions.

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catadromous ENGLISH

Having the lowest inferior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one; -- said of a …

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chandelier ENGLISH

A candlestick, lamp, stand, gas fixture, or the like, having several branches; esp., one hanging from the ceiling.

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chappion ENGLISH

One who by defeating all rivals, has obtained an acknowledged supremacy in any branch of athetics or game of skill, …

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checkrein ENGLISH

A branch rein connecting the driving rein of one horse of a span or pair with the bit of the …

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collateral ENGLISH

Descending from the same stock or ancestor, but not in the same line or branch or one from the other; …

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condition ENGLISH

To put under conditions; to require to pass a new examination or to make up a specified study, as a …

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crunode ENGLISH

A point where one branch of a curve crosses another branch. See Double point, under Double, a.

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dap-as CEBUANO

dap-as = daplas. sa kapáyas = kalatkat sa kapáyas. see kalatkat. dápat v {1} [A2SC; ac] bring s.t. into contact …

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De Secta Ad Molendinum LAW AND LEGAL

Of suit to a mill. A writ which lay to compel one to continue his custom (of grinding) at a …

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dilettante ENGLISH

An admirer or lover of the fine arts; popularly, an amateur; especially, one who follows an art or a branch …

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diverticulum ENGLISH

A blind tube branching out of a longer one.

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doctor ENGLISH

A teacher; one skilled in a profession, or branch of knowledge learned man.

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One of an order of priests which in ancient times existed among certain branches of the Celtic race, especially among …

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dukù v {1} [A; c1P] bow the head, bend over. Mudukù lang siyag kasab-an, He just bows his head if …

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