"Scourged" is a word in ENGLISH

scourged ENGLISH

of Scourge

Few words of positivity

I'm really busted up over this and I'm very, very sorry to those people in the audience, the blacks, the Hispanics, whites - everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through.

Michael Richards

Laugh your heart out.

Food on the Table by E. Tittup


búnal - To strike, beat, thrash, whip, flog, scourge, flagellate, birch, cane, drub, lash, swinge. Bunála siá. Thrash him. Bunáli …

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discipline ENGLISH

Self-inflicted and voluntary corporal punishment, as penance, or otherwise; specifically, a penitential scourge.

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whipped; scourged. An entry on old Scotch records. 1 Pitc. Crim. Tr. pt. 1, p. 7

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flagellate ENGLISH

To whip; to scourge; to flog.

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flagellation ENGLISH

A beating or flogging; a whipping; a scourging.

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flagellator ENGLISH

One who practices flagellation; one who whips or scourges.

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hámpak - Beating, thrashing, whacking, etc.; to beat, thrash, whack, drub, cane, strike, lash, flagellate, flog, whip, scourge, trounce, birch. …

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hampas TAGALOG

hampas2 Active Verb: manghampas Passive Verb: hampasin Definition: (verb) to strike something or somebody, to scourge Examples: 1) Huwag kang …

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To strike with a lash ; to whip or scourge with a lash, or with something like one.

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latigo, latigo HILIGAYNON

látigo, látigó - (Sp. látigo) Whip, rod, lash, scourge; to flog, scourge, whip, lash, beat with a rod. Latigohí siá. …

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parapat-rapat HILIGAYNON

parapát-rápat - To lash, beat, scourge, flail, punish with many strokes in quick succession, thrash, flog or whip soundly. (cf. …

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scorpion ENGLISH

A painful scourge.

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scourge ENGLISH

To punish with severity; to chastise; to afflict, as for sins or faults, and with the purpose of correction.

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scourge ENGLISH

To whip severely; to lash.

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scourge ENGLISH

To harass or afflict severely.

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scourge ENGLISH

A lash; a strap or cord; especially, a lash used to inflict pain or punishment; an instrument of punishment or …

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scourge ENGLISH

Hence, a means of inflicting punishment, vengeance, or suffering; an infliction of affliction; a punishment.

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scourger ENGLISH

One who scourges or punishes; one who afflicts severely.

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stripe ENGLISH

A stroke or blow made with a whip, rod, scourge, or the like, such as usually leaves a mark.

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