"Schoolbook" is a word in ENGLISH

schoolbook ENGLISH

A book used in schools for learning lessons.

Few words of positivity

The tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes never! You're asked an unexpected question, you don't even flinch, it takes just a second to get yourself under control, you know just what you have to say to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and nothing in your face twitches to give you away. But the truth, alas, has been disturbed by the question, and it rises up from the depths of your soul to flicker in your eyes and all is lost.

Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

Laugh your heart out.

What would happen if tarantulas were as big as horses ?If one bit you, you could ride it to hospital !


ábang v {1} [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the …

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abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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above-cited ENGLISH

Cited before, in the preceding part of a book or writing.

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abridgment ENGLISH

An epitome or compend, as of a book; a shortened or abridged form; an abbreviation.

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absey-book ENGLISH

An A-B-C book; a primer.

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abstract ENGLISH

That which comprises or concentrates in itself the essential qualities of a larger thing or of several things. Specifically: A …

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abug n dust. v {1} [B46; a4b4(1)] become dusty. Muabug ang karsáda ug dúgayng uwanun, The road gets dusty if …

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account book ENGLISH

A book in which accounts are kept.

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Account-Book LAW AND LEGAL

A book kept by a merchant, trader, mechanic, or other person, In which are entered from time to time the …

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Action Of Book Debt LAW AND LEGAL

A form of action for the recovery of claims, such as are usually evidenced by a book-account; this action is …

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Abbreviated ad fin. To the end. It is used in citations to books, as a direction to read from the …

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L. Fr. without day. A com-mon term in the Year Books, implying final dismissal from court

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A term applied ln Scotch law and practlce to the records of the criminal courts. The original records of criminal …

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Admanuensis LAW AND LEGAL

A person who swore by laying his bauds ou the book

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adúna short form: dúna there is, are, will be. Dúnay libru sa lamísa, There is a book on the table. …

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adversaria ENGLISH

A miscellaneous collection of notes, remarks, or selections; a commonplace book; also, commentaries or notes.

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Adversaria LAW AND LEGAL

(From Lat. adverse, things remarked or ready at hand.) Rough memoranda, common-place books

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agáp - To rise early, be early at work, to do early in the morning, anticipate. Agapí ang pagarádo. Be …

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agendum ENGLISH

Something to be done; in the pl., a memorandum book.

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aghat v {1} [A; a12b2] challenge s. o. to a fight. Aghátun siya nátug sumbagay, Lets challenge him to a …

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