"Scat" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of Scatt


Go away; begone; away; -- chiefly used in driving off a


A shower of rain.

Few words of positivity

How can God allow this to happen? How can our predecessors allow this to happen? How can YOU allow this to happen? We could all blame everyone else for the problems of the past that brought us the present, but that doesn't do us any good. The past has already been written, and there's nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do is concentrate on making it a better place today. Be the present example by following your heart and not worrying what others are doing.

Jason Micheal Ratliff

Laugh your heart out.

Camper: There's a leak over my bunk!Counselor: Don't complain. It only leaks when it rains.

adjustive ENGLISH

Tending to adjust.

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pampre ENGLISH

An ornament, composed of vine leaves and bunches of grapes, used for decorating spiral columns.

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kápan - To overflow, swamp, cover, pass over. Ang subâ nagkápan sang ámon umá. The river overflowed our farm-land. Ang …

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coagulability ENGLISH

The quality of being coagulable; capacity of being coagulated.

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kalawid WARAY

Kalawid - small hut; temporary shelter

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ablation ENGLISH

A carrying or taking away; removal.

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osteophone ENGLISH

An instrument for transmission of auditory vibrations through the bones of the head, so as to be appreciated as sounds …

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tubô - Being of equal age, existing from the same time, coeval, contemporary. (cf. katúbò id.).

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tururut CEBUANO

turúrut = tarúrut.

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balino ILOKANO
lub-ang CEBUANO

lub-ang n {1} pothole. {2} hole to plant seedlings in. v [B12] for potholes to develop. -un() n seedling ready …

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seamanlike ENGLISH

Having or showing the skill of a practical seaman.

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jugular ENGLISH

One of the large veins which return the blood from the head to the heart through two chief trunks, an …

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párì n {1} priest. {2} cop (slang). {3} mi-muguwà ang for cuts to bleed. Way kásung tadlása. Wà muguwà ang …

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zoomelanin ENGLISH

A pigment giving the black color to the feathers of many birds.

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