"Sangyaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


sángyaw - To be or become public, leak
out, get abroad, become known. (cf.
balahúbà, bántug, lápnag, bantálà, etc.).

sangyaw CEBUANO

sangyaw v {1} [AP; c6P] disseminate news, information.
Ang balità nasangyaw na sa tibuuk gingharían, The news has spread throughout the kingdom.
{2} [A; c6] proclaim, declare o?
Ang partídu nagsangyaw nga si Rúsis kandidátu upisiyal, The party proclaimed Roces an o?
cial candidate.
n proclamation.
ka-an n group of proclamations.
mag-r- n preacher.

Few words of positivity

Master, take me in along with these people." Jesus answered and said, "Your star has led you astray, Judas.

Rodolphe Kasser, The Gospel of Judas Together with the Letter of Peter to Phillip, James, and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos

Laugh your heart out.

Which baseball team is currently the favourite with hamburger fans?The Cincinnati Reds -because they're the Big Bread Machine!


ábin v [A2C; b] {1} engage in an enterprise or game together. Mag-ábin ta sa pamaligyag pagkáun, Lets become partners …

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abug n dust. v {1} [B46; a4b4(1)] become dusty. Muabug ang karsáda ug dúgayng uwanun, The road gets dusty if …

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abugadu CEBUANO

abugádu n lawyer. v {1} [B16; a2] be, become a lawyer. {2} [A; b] speak for s. o. Abugadúhan ta …

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abunda CEBUANO

abunda a {1} abundant. Abunda ang bugas karun, Theres plenty of rice now. {2} have plenty. Ug abunda ka sa …

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áda n mythological beings represented as beautiful maidens liv-ing in forests, streams, etc. v [B126] become an áda.

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adbintista CEBUANO

adbintista n a Seventh Day Adventist. v [B1256] be, become a Seventh Day Adventist.

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ádik n drug addict. v [B1256] become a drug addict.

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adilantu CEBUANO

adilantu v [B2] become better. Dílì ta muadilantu niánang pan-gitáa, Our financial situation wont improve if that is the only …

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ági v [A2S3S; b6] {1} go by, through a place. Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I wont go …

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agit-it CEBUANO

agit-it n squeaking strident sound made by two surfaces rub-bing against each other. v [B] squeak stridently, become squeaky. Kasábà …

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agitung CEBUANO

agítung a burnt to charcoal. v [B2; c1] get burnt to become charcoal. Miagítung (naagítung) ang mais nga ákung gisugba, …

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aglipay CEBUANO

aglípay, aglipayánu n member of the Aglipayan religious sect. v [B1] become an Aglipayan.

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agub-ub CEBUANO

agub-ub n mold. v [A123P; a4b4] be moldy. Giagub-ub (giagub-uban) ang surísu nga dúgayng gitagúan, The sausages have become moldy …

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akadimik CEBUANO

akadímik n academic supervisor, the second highest o? cial of a public school, next to the superintendent. v [B; c1] …

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akumpaniing CEBUANO

akumpaniing n one who stays with a patient in a hospital to look after his needs. Kaning katríha pára sa …

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al-al n childish in action, particularly in speech and articu-lation. Kadakù na nímu. Al-al gihápun kang musulti, How big you …

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Allegiance LAW AND LEGAL

By allegiance ls meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience whlch the lndlvldual owes to the govern-ment under which he …

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alput n prostitute (euphemism for púta). v [B16; a12] become, make into a prostitute.

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alyadu CEBUANO

alyádu n {1} ally. {2} employee (humorous). Alyádu siya nákù sa upisína, Hes an employee of mine in the o? …

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amamaliw CEBUANO

amamaliw (from baliw) n s. o. incestuous who gets struck by a thunderbolt as divine punishment. v [B126] become an …

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