"Sambulawan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

sambulawan HILIGAYNON

sambulawán - Imitation of gold. See

sambulawan HILIGAYNON

sambuláwan - A kind of tree and the
timber it yields.

Few words of positivity

To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.

Flannery O'Connor

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.

determinist ENGLISH

One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories.

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uranology ENGLISH

A discourse or treatise on the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the study of the heavens; uranography.

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urticaceous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a natural order (Urticaceae) of plants, of which the nettle is the type. The order includes …

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sanicle ENGLISH

Any plant of the umbelliferous genus Sanicula, reputed to have healing powers.

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premier ENGLISH

The first minister of state; the prime minister.

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mitigator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, mitigates.

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perisperm ENGLISH

The albumen of a seed, especially that portion which is formed outside of the embryo sac.

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tibalas CEBUANO

tibalas n the Schach shrike: Lanius nasutus.

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polytype ENGLISH

To produce a polytype of; as, to polytype an engraving.

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In Spanish law. A part or portlon; a lot or parcel; an allotment of

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To protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in idleness.

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sulukusák, sulukúsak - Entangled, complicated, etc. See sulukasók.

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mathematic ENGLISH

See Mathematical.

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bicorporal ENGLISH

Having two bodies.

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raffish ENGLISH

Resembling, or having the character of, raff, or a raff; worthless; low.

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conflagrant ENGLISH

Burning together in a common flame.

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Without authority; not authoritative.

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