"Perisperm" is a word in ENGLISH

perisperm ENGLISH

The albumen of a seed, especially that portion which is
formed outside of the embryo sac.

Few words of positivity

My architectural drive was to design new types of buildings to help poor people, especially following natural disasters and catastrophes... I will use whatever time is left to me to keep doing what I have been doing, which is to help humanity.

Frei Otto

Laugh your heart out.

What do snowmen eat for lunch ?Icebergers !

albumen ENGLISH

Same as Albumin.

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albumen ENGLISH

The white of an egg.

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albumen ENGLISH

Nourishing matter stored up within the integuments of the seed in many plants, but not incorporated in the embryo. It …

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albumenize ENGLISH

To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.

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albumina CEBUANO

albumina n albumen. albuminahun a containing albumen.

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Supplying albumen.

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albuminimeter ENGLISH

An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid.

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albuminose ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin.

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cocoanut ENGLISH

The large, hard-shelled nut of the cocoa palm. It yields an agreeable milky liquid and a white meat or albumen …

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The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually …

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endosperm ENGLISH

The albumen of a seed; -- limited by recent writers to that formed within the embryo sac.

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exalbuminous ENGLISH

Having no albumen about the embryo; -- said of certain seeds.

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klára - (Sp. clara) The white of an egg, albumen. (cf. bátog—the yolk).

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ruminated ENGLISH

Having a hard albumen penetrated by irregular channels filled with softer matter, as the nutmeg and the seeds of the …

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sago Definition: (noun) palm tree of medium height bearing globular fruits that have globular seeds of white bony albumen

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vegeto-animal ENGLISH

Partaking of the nature both of vegetable and animal matter; -- a term sometimes applied to vegetable albumen and gluten, …

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