"Salmuniti" is a word in CEBUANO

salmuniti CEBUANO

salmuníti n k.
small goatfish, reddish in hue.

Few words of positivity

Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you have accepted the worst.

Lin Yutang

Laugh your heart out.

Yo Momma so black when she goes swimming poeple thinks shes and oil spill.

interconnect ENGLISH

To join together.

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coincide ENGLISH

To correspond exactly; to agree; to concur; as, our aims coincide.

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souvenir ENGLISH

That which serves as a reminder; a remembrancer; a memento; a keepsake.

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A snuffbox made of the small end of a horn.

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glyptotheca ENGLISH

A building or room devoted to works of sculpture.

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mannitose ENGLISH

A variety of sugar obtained by the partial oxidation of mannite, and closely resembling levulose.

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kawhit CEBUANO

kawhit n pole or stick, usually with a hook at the end, used in picking or getting s.t. which is …

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anthropology ENGLISH

The science of the structure and functions of the human body.

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antlia ENGLISH

The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera.

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syllabist ENGLISH

One who forms or divides words into syllables, or is skilled in doing this.

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northmost ENGLISH

Lying farthest north; northernmost.

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townhouse ENGLISH

A building devoted to the public used of a town; a townhall.

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Quality of being inscribable.

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aluwihaw CEBUANO

aluwíhaw n k. o. tree of second growth forest bearing small, depressed, globular yellow fruit, edible but acidic.

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pentaconter ENGLISH

See Penteconter.

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A tube, filled with combustible matter, for exploding a shell, etc. See Fuse, n.

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flower ENGLISH

Grain pulverized; meal; flour.

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