"Coincide" is a word in ENGLISH

coincide ENGLISH

To correspond exactly; to agree; to concur; as, our aims

coincide ENGLISH

To occur at the same time; to be contemporaneous; as, the
fall of Granada coincided with the discovery of America.

coincide ENGLISH

To occupy the same place in space, as two equal
triangles, when placed one on the other.

Few words of positivity

Hey,” Shayne said through the door. “You going to stay in there all night, because we’re getting tired of trying to eavesdrop from out here. Can’t hear a damn thing.

Jill Shalvis, Smart and Sexy

Laugh your heart out.

Marley stopped at the town barbershop for a haircut. After thirty-five minutes of snipping and cutting, the barber held a mirror behind Marley's head."How you like it?" asked the barber. "Real fine," said the redneck. "But how 'bout making it a little longer in the back?"

Ab Epistolis LAW AND LEGAL

Lat An officer having charge of the correspondence (cptstolat) of his superior or sovereign; a secretary. Cal-vin.; Spiegelius

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The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to our April. After the Babylonish captivity this month was …

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ablaut ENGLISH

The substitution of one root vowel for another, thus indicating a corresponding modification of use or meaning; vowel permutation; as, …

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Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence, in quality, manner, degree, etc.; as, about as cold; about as high; -- also of …

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accommodate ENGLISH

To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental …

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accommodate ENGLISH

To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt; to conform; as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances.

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accord ENGLISH

Agreement, harmony, or just correspondence of things; as, the accord of light and shade in painting.

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accord ENGLISH

To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust; -- followed by to.

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accord ENGLISH

To agree; to correspond; to be in harmony; -- followed by with, formerly also by to; as, his disposition accords …

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accordant ENGLISH

Agreeing; consonant; harmonious; corresponding; conformable; -- followed by with or to.

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according ENGLISH

Accordingly; correspondingly.

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accordingly ENGLISH

Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable.

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accusative ENGLISH

Applied to the case (as the fourth case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses the immediate object on which …

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In French law, denotes a docu* ment, or formal, solemn writing, embodying a legal attestation that something has been done, …

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The twelfth month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical year, and the sixth of the civil. It corresponded nearly with March.

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adequate ENGLISH

Equal to some requirement; proportionate, or correspondent; fully sufficient; as, powers adequate to a great work; an adequate definition.

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In Scotch law. The name of a form of action by which the mutual obligation of marriage may be enforced …

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adjust ENGLISH

To make exact; to fit; to make correspondent or conformable; to bring into proper relations; as, to adjust a garment …

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The management of an estate of a deceased person by an executor, the strictly corresponding term execution not being in …

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In the law of descents. Re-lations by the father. This word is used in the Scotch law, and by some …

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