"Roke" is a word in ENGLISH


A vein of ore.


Mist; smoke; damp

Few words of positivity

Knowingness: I am like a newborn baby every day I wake up with a new slate to create.

Katina Marshell Cotton-Sliwa, We R 1

Laugh your heart out.

Does your mum like shopping on the Internet?

No, the trolley keeps rolling off the top of the computer.

anastomose ENGLISH

To inosculate; to intercommunicate by anastomosis, as the arteries and veins.

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anastomosis ENGLISH

The inosculation of vessels, or intercommunication between two or more vessels or nerves, as the cross communication between arteries or …

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The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface.

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The summit or highest point of anything; the top; e. g., in mining law, “apex of a vein." See Larkin …

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areolation ENGLISH

Any small space, bounded by some part different in color or structure, as the spaces bounded by the nervures of …

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areolet ENGLISH

A small inclosed area; esp. one of the small spaces on the wings of insects, circumscribed by the veins.

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argentiferous ENGLISH

Producing or containing silver; as, argentiferous lead ore or veins.

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artery ENGLISH

One of the vessels or tubes which carry either venous or arterial blood from the heart. They have tricker and …

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avenious ENGLISH

Being without veins or nerves, as the leaves of certain plants.

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bad-ay CEBUANO

bad-ay v {1} [B1] be placed transversely across. Nagbad-ay ang buktun sa bána sa tiyan sa íyang asáwa, The husbands …

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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balitang CEBUANO

balitang n {1} short piece of wood or metal. Also the name given to pieces of wood which serve a …

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A vein or dike crossing a lode.

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barikus CEBUANO

barikus n varicose veins. v [a4b4] have varicose veins. Barikusun (barikusan) kag maghayhil ka, Youll get varicose veins if you …

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barite ENGLISH

Native sulphate of barium, a mineral occurring in transparent, colorless, white to yellow crystals (generally tabular), also in granular form, …

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basilical ENGLISH

Pertaining to certain parts, anciently supposed to have a specially important function in the animal economy, as the middle vein …

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basset ENGLISH

To inclined upward so as to appear at the surface; to crop out; as, a vein of coal bassets.

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basseting ENGLISH

The upward direction of a vein in a mine; the emergence of a stratum at the surface.

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bathay CEBUANO

bathay v [B3(1)46N; b6] s.t. which appears prominently on part of ones body. Mibathay (namathay) ang ugat sa íyang agtang, …

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English: n. vein Tagalog: ugat

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