"Roaming" is a word in ENGLISH

roaming ENGLISH

of Roam

Few words of positivity

While you’re alive there’s no time for minor amazements.

Alice Fulton

Laugh your heart out.

Two aliens landed in the remote countryside and went walking from the flying saucer along a narrow lane. The first thing they saw was a red pillar box. `Take us to your leader,' said the first alien.`Don't waste time talking to him. Can't you see he's only a child?' said the second alien.


abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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abram-man ENGLISH

One of a set of vagabonds who formerly roamed through England, feigning lunacy for the sake of obtaining alms.

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bagduy CEBUANO

bagduy táwung one who roams about without purpose. bagduy-bagduy v [A; b1] roam around purposelessly instead of doing what one …

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bahas = bahasbáhas. bahasbáhas v [A3; cP] go back and forth over an area rapidly. Ang dyit mibahasbáhas sa nahagsáan, …

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bayi n {1} female animal or plant. {2} descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to …

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bintor ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to roam around, wander about, rove. Isu ti nagbintor nga agsapul kenkuana. He was the one who wandered …

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The American bison buffalo (Bison Americanus), a large, gregarious bovine quadruped with shaggy mane and short black horns, which formerly …

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bordáhi - (Sp. bordada) Tack, the tacking of a ship; to wear ship, tack a ship, to put about; to …

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búhì - To bring back to life, raise to life, resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life; to be or get—free,—loose, …

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burdu v [A; c1] {1} go s.w. in a roundabout, not direct way. Muburdu ta arun dì ta masagatà sa …

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burgahuy CEBUANO

burgahuy a wandering, bumming around, esp. in a shiftless carefree way. v [B1] wander, usually in a shiftless, carefree way. …

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bushranger ENGLISH

One who roams, or hides, among the bushes; especially, in Australia, an escaped criminal living in the bush.

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búy-an - See buhían from búhì—to escape, get free, get away. Búy-i ang mga báka. Let the cattle roam about …

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das-ag CEBUANO

das-ag a {1} abounding, swarming around. {2} scattered, spread. {3} wandering, roaming aimlessly. n stranger, wanderer. v {1a} [B; b5] …

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duyduy CEBUANO

duydúy v {1} [A13; b6] go from place to place to look for s. o. or s.t. very much needed. …

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duyong-duyong HILIGAYNON

duyóng-dúyong - To go to and fro, back and forth, go in search of, ramble or roam within a rather …

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To wander; to roam; to stray.

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gallivant ENGLISH

To play the beau; to wait upon the ladies; also, to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan.

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gamà v {1} [A; a] manufacture, make into. Gam-un ku ning kawáyan ug (nga) mga lingkuránan, I will make this …

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