"Rinigar" is a word in CEBUANO

rinigar CEBUANO

rinigar v [B16] be, become desperate enough to do s.t.
at the peril of ones own life.
Kinsay dílì murinigar (marinigádu) nga hápit na malumus ang bátà, Who would not be out of his mind with desperation if his child was at the point of drown-ing.
rinigáda = rinigádu (female).
rinigádu a desperate to the point of not caring whether one lives or dies.
v [B16] be, become desperate.

Few words of positivity

Do stories, apart from happening, being, have something to say? For all my skepticism, some trace of irrational superstition did survive in me, the strange conviction, for example, that everything in life that happens to me also has a sense, that it means something, that life speaks to us about itself through its story, that it gradually reveals a secret, that it takes the form of a rebus whose message must be deciphered, that the stories we live compromise the mythology of our lives and in that mythology lies the key to truth and mystery. Is it an illusion? Possibly, even probably, but I can’t rid myself of the need continually to decipher my own life.

Milan Kundera, The Joke

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm? He kept throwing the bent bananas away.


Hopeless; worthless. This term is used ln inventories and sched-ules of assets, particularly by executors, etc., to describe debts or …

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dispiradu CEBUANO

dispirádu a in despair. Dispirádu siya kay dúgay nang way tra-báhu, He is desperate because he has been without a …

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gidlay CEBUANO

gidlay ka- v [A13] {1} for clothing to be in tatters. Nagkagid-lay ang saput sa makililímus, The beggar was wearing …

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hawid, háwid a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his …

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indispir CEBUANO

indispír a desperate. Indispír kaáyu tu si Husi kay wà sugta, Joseph is desperate because she turned him down. Indispír …

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mutung CEBUANO

mutung paN- v [A2] be, become violent when desperate. Nang-mutung ang ulitáwu nga wà sugta, The young man became vi-olent …

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pangka CEBUANO

pangkà v [AC; ac] bump against s.t. Mipangkà aku kanímu, I bumped against you. Nagkapangkà mi apan wà giyud ku …

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sawuy v [A13] feel weak and sickly from bad health. Magsawuy giyud ku ug musakit ang ákung ngípun, I feel …

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túdas v {1} [AB; a] be totally lost or used up, cause s.t. to be so. Akuy mutúdas ánang ímung …

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