"Desperate" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


Hopeless; worthless. This term is used ln inventories and sched-ules of assets, particularly by executors, etc., to describe debts or claims which are con-sidered Impossible or hopeless of collection. See Schultz v. Pulver, 11 wend. (N. Y.) 365

desperate ENGLISH

One desperate or hopeless.

desperate ENGLISH

Extreme, in a bad sense; outrageous; -- used to mark the
extreme predominance of a bad quality.

desperate ENGLISH

Proceeding from, or suggested by, despair; without
regard to danger or safety; reckless; furious; as, a desperate effort.

desperate ENGLISH

Without hope; given to despair; hopeless.

desperate ENGLISH

Beyond hope; causing despair; extremely perilous;
irretrievable; past cure, or, at least, extremely dangerous; as, a
desperate disease; desperate fortune.

Few words of positivity

A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed - I well know. For it's a sign that he tried to surpass himself.

Georges Clemenceau

Laugh your heart out.

Two anthropologists fly to the south sea islands to study the natives. They go to two adjacent islands and set to work. A few months later one of them takes a canoe over to the other island to see how his colleague is doing. When he gets there, he finds the other anthropologist standing among a group of natives."Greetings! How is it going?" says the visiting anthropologist."Wonderful!" says the other, "I have discovered an important fact about the local language! Watch!"He points at a palm tree and says, "what is that?"The natives, in unison, say "Umbalo-gong!"He then points at a rock and says, "and that?"The natives again intone "Umbalo-gong!""You see!", says the beaming anthropologist, "They use the SAME word for 'rock' and for 'palm tree'!""That is truly amazing!" says the astonished visiting anthropologist, "On the other island, the same word means 'ind ex finger'!"

desperation ENGLISH

A state of despair, or utter hopeless; abandonment of hope; extreme recklessness; reckless fury.

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forlorn ENGLISH

Destitute; helpless; in pitiful plight; wretched; miserable; almost hopeless; desperate.

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hopeless ENGLISH

Giving no ground of hope; promising nothing desirable; desperate; as, a hopeless cause.

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perdue ENGLISH

Accustomed to, or employed in, desperate enterprises; hence, reckless; hopeless.

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