"Revise" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


■ To review, re-examine for> correction; to go over a thing for the purpose) of. amending, correcting, rearranging, or otherwise improving it ; as, to revise statutes^ or a judgment Casey v. Harned, 5 Iowav 12; Vinsant v. Knox, 27 Ark. 272; Falconer' V. Robinson, 46 Ala. 34$. < i

revise ENGLISH

A second proof sheet; a proof sheet taken after the first
or a subsequent correction.

revise ENGLISH

To compare (a proof) with a previous proof of the same
matter, and mark again such errors as have not been corrected in the

revise ENGLISH

To review, alter, and amend; as, to revise statutes; to
revise an agreement; to revise a dictionary.

revise ENGLISH

A review; a revision.

revise ENGLISH

To look at again for the detection of errors; to
reexamine; to review; to look over with care for correction; as, to
revise a writing; to revise a translation.

Few words of positivity

Let thy true religion be to act right.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and flies? A dead cat.


d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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douay bible ENGLISH

A translation of the Scriptures into the English language for the use of English-speaking Roman Catholics; -- done from the …

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To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for …

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editor ENGLISH

One who edits; esp., a person who prepares, superintends, revises, and corrects a book, magazine, or newspaper, etc., for publication.

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ericius ENGLISH

The Vulgate rendering of the Hebrew word qip/d, which in the \"Authorized Version\" is translated bittern, and in the Revised …

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A word found in the Authorized Version of the Bible, representing different Hebrew originals. In Isaiah xxviii. 25, 27, it …

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hashas CEBUANO

hashas v {1} [A; b5c] pound rice a second time to husk the grains that had been missed the first …

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In Spanish law. The in-stltution and prosecution of a snit from its commencement nntll definitive judgment The first instance, “primcra …

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kudigu CEBUANO

kudigu n {1} code of laws. iliktural election code. iliktural ribisádu revised election code. pinal penal code. pinal ribisádu revised …

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Oourt Of Delegates LAW AND LEGAL

An English tribunal composed of delegates appointed by royal commission, and formerly the great court of appeal in all ecclesiastical …

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Plebiscite LAW AND LEGAL

In modern constltutlonal law, the name "plebiscite" has been given to a vote of the entire people, (that ls, the …

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recense ENGLISH

To review; to revise.

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recension ENGLISH

The result of such a work; a text established by critical revision; an edited version.

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recension ENGLISH

Specifically, the review of a text (as of an ancient author) by an editor; critical revisal and establishment.

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recension ENGLISH

The act of reviewing or revising; review; examination; enumeration.

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redress ENGLISH

To put in order again; to set right; to emend; to revise.

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retouch ENGLISH

To touch again, or rework, in order to improve; to revise; as, to retouch a picture or an essay.

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review ENGLISH

An examination with a view to amendment or improvement; revision; as, an author's review of his works.

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review ENGLISH

To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition.

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A reconsideration; second; view or examination; revision; consideration for purposes of correction. Used especially of the examination of a canse …

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