"Renverse" is a word in ENGLISH

renverse ENGLISH

To reverse.

renverse ENGLISH

Alt. of Renverse

renverse ENGLISH

Reversed; set with the head downward; turned contrary to
the natural position.

Few words of positivity

The world is not magic — and that’s the most magical thing about it.

Sean Carroll

Laugh your heart out.

What works in a circus, walks a tightrope and has claws ?An acrocat !

Adverse Party LAW AND LEGAL

An “adverse par-ty” entitled to notice of appeal is every par-ty whose interest in relation to the judg-ment or decree …

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Affirmance Day General LAW AND LEGAL

In the English court of exchequer, is a day appointed by the judges of the common pleas, and barons of …

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anapest ENGLISH

A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short, or unaccented, the last long, or accented (/ / …

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a posteriori ENGLISH

Characterizing that kind of reasoning which derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by generalizations from facts arrives at …

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The party ln a cause against whom an appeal ls taken; that is, the party who has an interest adverse …

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a priori ENGLISH

Characterizing that kind of reasoning which deduces consequences from definitions formed, or principles assumed, or which infers effects from causes …

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A person to whom an assignment is made. Allen v. Pancoast, 20 N. J. Law, 74; Ely v. Cora'rs, 49 …

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atavism ENGLISH

The recurrence, or a tendency to a recurrence, of the original type of a species in the progeny of its …

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atras n {1} rear wheel. Nahyúsan mi sa atras, We had a flat tire in the rear. {2} rear part …

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In old English practice. A writ which lay to inquire whether a jury of twelve men had given a false …

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attorn ENGLISH

To agree to become tenant to one to whom reversion has been granted.

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ay Definition: (part) connects the topic of the sentence and predicate when the sentence is given in reverse order; sentence …

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Away from contact; by reverse movement.

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backcast ENGLISH

Anything which brings misfortune upon one, or causes failure in an effort or enterprise; a reverse.

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backlash ENGLISH

The distance through which one part of connected machinery, as a wheel, piston, or screw, can be moved without moving …

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backwards ENGLISH

In a contrary or reverse manner, way, or direction; contrarily; as, to read backwards.

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baking CEBUANO

báking v [A; c] back up, put a vehicle in reverse. Ibáking ang dyíp, Back the jeep up.

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bali a reversed, backwards. Bali ang pagkasul-ub nang ímung sapátus, You put your shoes on backwards. v {1} [A; a12] …

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baligtad TAGALOG

baligtad2 Active Verb: bumaligtad Passive Verb: baligtarin Definition: 1) inside-out, upside-down (adj) 2) to turn something over, to invert, to …

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baligtad TAGALOG

baligtad1 Active Verb: magbaligtad Passive Verb: ibaligtad Definition: 1) inside-out, upside-down (adj) 2) to turn something over, to invert, to …

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