"Recompense" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Recompense LAW AND LEGAL

A reward for services; remuneration for goods or other property

recompense ENGLISH

An equivalent returned for anything done, suffered, or
given; compensation; requital; suitable return.

recompense ENGLISH

To render an equivalent to, for service, loss, etc.;
to requite; to remunerate; to compensate.

recompense ENGLISH

To return an equivalent for; to give compensation
for; to atone for; to pay for.

recompense ENGLISH

To give in return; to pay back; to pay, as something
earned or deserved.

recompense ENGLISH

To give recompense; to make amends or requital.

Few words of positivity

The politics have always been difficult in medicine. There is some truth in the way medical practice is portrayed in TV dramas.

Barry Marshall

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Know how to solve the Serbian/Bosnian problem in less than 48 hours?A: Put Janet Reno in charge.


The first letter of the English and of many other alphabets. The capital A of the alphabets of Middle and …

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without impeachment of waste; without accountability for waste; without liability to suit for v/aste. A clause anciently often in-serted in …

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a cappella ENGLISH

A time indication, equivalent to alla breve.

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acciaccatura ENGLISH

A short grace note, one semitone below the note to which it is prefixed; -- used especially in organ music. …

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acetamide ENGLISH

A white crystalline solid, from ammonia by replacement of an equivalent of hydrogen by acetyl.

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action ENGLISH

A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds; hence, in the plural, equivalent …

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adequation ENGLISH

The act of equalizing; act or result of making adequate; an equivalent.

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advance ENGLISH

A furnishing of something before an equivalent is received (as money or goods), towards a capital or stock, or on …

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affirmation ENGLISH

A solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury, by persons who conscientiously decline taking an oath, which declaration is …

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In French law. A formula used in indorsing commercial paper, and equivalent to “without recourse.”

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Ajournment LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. The document pursuant to which au action or suit is commenced, equivalent to the writ of summons …

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An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it …

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amount ENGLISH

To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony …

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ampere ENGLISH

The unit of electric current; -- defined by the International Electrical Congress in 1893 and by U. S. Statute as, …

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This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the …

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analogue ENGLISH

An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a different organ in another species or group, or even in …

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An expression equivalent to What did you say? Sir? Eh?

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In Saxon law. The rate flx-ed by law at which certain injuries to.per-son or property were to be paid for; …

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annulata ENGLISH

A class of articulate animals, nearly equivalent to Annelida, including the marine annelids, earthworms, Gephyrea, Gymnotoma, leeches, etc. See Annelida.

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annulosa ENGLISH

A division of the Invertebrata, nearly equivalent to the Articulata. It includes the Arthoropoda and Anarthropoda. By some zoologists it …

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