"Pseudorhabdite" is a word in ENGLISH

pseudorhabdite ENGLISH

One of the peculiar rodlike corpuscles found in the
integument of certain Turbellaria. They are filled with a soft granular

Few words of positivity

A religion is a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing those conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.

Clifford Geertz

Laugh your heart out.

Farmer Giles is so interested in conserving energy, he built a pig-powered car. He has to get rid of it, though. Every time he turns a corner, the tires squeal


One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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A morbid condition causing a peculiar brownish discoloration of the skin, and thought, at one time, to be due to …

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Adpromissor LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil and Scotch law. A guarantor, surety, or caution-er; a peculiar species of fidejussor; one who adds hls …

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One of a peculiar race inhabiting Yesso, the Kooril Islands etc., in the northern part of the empire of Japan, …

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alkali ENGLISH

One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in …

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appropriament ENGLISH

What is peculiarly one's own; peculiar qualification.

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armadillo ENGLISH

Any edentate animal if the family Dasypidae, peculiar to America. The body and head are incased in an armor composed …

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artiste ENGLISH

One peculiarly dexterous and tasteful in almost any employment, as an opera dancer, a hairdresser, a cook.

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assonance ENGLISH

A peculiar species of rhyme, in which the last acce`ted vow`l and tnose whioh follow it in one word correspond …

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A tidal flood which regularly or occasionally rushes into certain rivers of peculiar configuration or location, in one or more …

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One of the peculiar stinging, cells found in Coelenterata; a nematocyst; a lasso cell.

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One of a pair of peculiar organs on the base of the abdomen of scorpions.

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country ENGLISH

Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country.

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dialékto - (Sp. dialecto) Dialect, form or idiom of a language peculiar to one place distinguishing it from the same …

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enopla ENGLISH

One of the orders of Nemertina, characterized by the presence of a peculiar armature of spines or plates in the …

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enthusiast ENGLISH

One moved or actuated by enthusiasm; as: (a) One who imagines himself divinely inspired, or possessed of some special revelation; …

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eskimo ENGLISH

One of a peculiar race inhabiting Arctic America and Greenland. In many respects the Eskimos resemble the Mongolian race.

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favorite ENGLISH

A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor; one treated with partiality; one preferred above others; especially, one unduly loved, …

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feather ENGLISH

One of the peculiar dermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down.

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feature ENGLISH

The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a …

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