"Proposition" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Proposition LAW AND LEGAL

A slngle loglcal sen-tence; also an ofTer to do a thlng. See Per-ry v. Dwelling House Ins. Co., 67 N. H. 291. 33 Atl. 731, 68 Am. St. Rep. 668; Hubbard ▼. woodaum, 87 Me. 88, 32 Atl. 802

proposition ENGLISH

The act of setting or placing before; the act of

proposition ENGLISH

A statement of religious doctrine; an article of
faith; creed; as, the propositions of Wyclif and Huss.

proposition ENGLISH

A statement in terms of a truth to be demonstrated, or
of an operation to be performed.

proposition ENGLISH

That which is proposed; that which is offered, as for
consideration, acceptance, or adoption; a proposal; as, the enemy made
propositions of peace; his proposition was not accepted.

proposition ENGLISH

The part of a poem in which the author states the
subject or matter of it.

proposition ENGLISH

That which is offered or affirmed as the subject of
the discourse; anything stated or affirmed for discussion or

proposition ENGLISH

A complete sentence, or part of a sentence consisting
of a subject and predicate united by a copula; a thought expressed or
propounded in language; a from of speech in which a predicate is
affirmed or denied of a subject; as, snow is white.

Few words of positivity

Perception is to be blamed. It, if given due attention, keeps changing.

Pawan Mishra

Laugh your heart out.

In West Kerry, the wife commented, "When we were first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the larger. You don't love me any more...." "Nonsense, darling," replied the husband, "you cook better now."


n. side (of). Mapan ka idiay abay ni manong mo. Go to the side of your older brother. v. /-UM-:-EN/ …

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The government of a religious house, and the revenues thereof, subject to an abbot, as a bishopric ls to a …

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The simplest rudiments of any subject; as, the A B C of finance.

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Qne of the steps in the process of naturaliz-ing an alien. It consists in a formal declaration, made by the …

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abrupt ENGLISH

Having sudden transitions from one subject to another; unconnected.

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absolve ENGLISH

To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such …

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abstract ENGLISH

A state of separation from other things; as, to consider a subject in the abstract, or apart from other associated …

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Abstract Of Title LAW AND LEGAL

A condensed' history of tbe title to land, consisting of a synopsis or summary of the material or op-erative portion …

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abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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accidence ENGLISH

The rudiments of any subject.

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account ENGLISH

A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of …

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action ENGLISH

Gesticulation; the external deportment of the speaker, or the suiting of his attitude, voice, gestures, and countenance, to the subject, …

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action ENGLISH

The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other …

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actionable ENGLISH

That may be the subject of an action or suit at law; as, to call a man a thief is …

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active ENGLISH

Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else; transitive.

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In tbe civil law. A sitecies of right of way, consisting in the right of driving cattle, or a carriage, …

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addayo ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be far or distant from each other. Agaddayo da. They are far from each …

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address ENGLISH

A formal communication, either written or spoken; a discourse; a speech; a formal application to any one; a petition; a …

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In allegiance. 2 Kent, Comm. 56. Subjects born ad /Idem are those born ln allegiance

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A waxy substance (chemically margarate of ammouium or ammonia-cal soap) formed by the decomposition of animal matter protected from the …

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