"Prejudicately" is a word in ENGLISH

prejudicately ENGLISH

With prejudice.

Few words of positivity

Ask yourself:Am I living my past, present or future?

Avina Celeste

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the nutty kid throw a glass of water out of the window? He wanted to see a waterfall.

Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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In real property law, a strap; ger who, having no right of entry, contrives to get possession of an estate …

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To the rights of the king; a wrlt which was brought by the king's clerk, presented to a living, against …

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affection ENGLISH

Prejudice; bias.

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To incline to one side; to give a particular direction to; to influence; to prejudice; to prepossess.

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candid ENGLISH

Free from undue bias; disposed to think and judge according to truth and justice, or without partiality or prejudice; fair; …

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candor ENGLISH

A disposition to treat subjects with fairness; freedom from prejudice or disguise; frankness; sincerity.

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In English eccleslastlcal law. The primate of all England; the chief ecclesiastical digni-tary in the church. Hls customary privilege is …

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clannish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a clan; closely united, like a clan; disposed to associate only with one's clan or clique; …

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To change or alter, as if by dyeing or painting; to give a false appearance to; usually, to give a …

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colorless ENGLISH

Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; …

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cosmopolite ENGLISH

Having no fixed residence; at home in any place; free from local attachments or prejudices; not provincial; liberal.

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cosmopolitism ENGLISH

The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.

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A collusive agreement between two or more persons to prejudice a third.

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A fraudulent and cheating mis-r epresen tat ion, artifice, or device, used by one or more persons to deceive and …

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despite ENGLISH

In spite of; against, or in defiance of; notwithstanding; as, despite his prejudices.

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disadvantage ENGLISH

Loss; detriment; hindrance; prejudice to interest, fame, credit, profit, or other good.

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In a disinterested manner; without bias or prejudice.

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disprejudice ENGLISH

To free from prejudice.

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divest ENGLISH

Fig.: To strip; to deprive; to dispossess; as, to divest one of his rights or privileges; to divest one's self …

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