"Porcelainized" is a word in ENGLISH

porcelainized ENGLISH

Baked like potter's lay; -- applied to clay shales
that have been converted by heat into a substance resembling porcelain.

Few words of positivity

Dear men, Pay attention to the curves of her lips than curves of her body

Haritha Velpureddy

Laugh your heart out.

Why does a barber never shave a man with a wooden leg? Because he always uses a razor.


brid amirikan n bread baked in a box-shape like what is usually packaged in the States.

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earthen ENGLISH

Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.

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earthenware ENGLISH

Vessels and other utensils, ornaments, or the like, made of baked clay. See Crockery, Pottery, Stoneware, and Porcelain.

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kalabira CEBUANO

kalabíra n skeleton, skull. v [BN] become a skeleton or like one. Nangalabíra (nakalabíra, nikalabíra) na intawun ang íyang lawas, …

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pan byína k. o. bread baked in a large, rounded loaf. diagwa, dilitsi, dilmundu, ilmundu, ilpuwiblu n k. o. bread …

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tagpud CEBUANO

tagpud a crisp, brittle and easily breaking into small pieces like glass or like dry and mealy sweet potatoes. Ang …

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-un direct passive verb a? x, future. (past: gi- subjunctive: -a. Potential forms: past: na-; future and subjunctive: ma-. ) …

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