"Playing" is a word in ENGLISH, CEBUANO

playing ENGLISH

of Play

playing ENGLISH

a. & vb. n. of Play.

playing CEBUANO

playing súsir n flying saucer.

Few words of positivity

We are, all of us, exploring a world none of us understands...searching for a more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode of living...for the integrity, the courage to be whole, living in relation to one another in the full poetry of existence. The struggle for an integrated life existing in an atmosphere of communal trust and respect is one with desperately important political and social consequences...Fear is always with us, but we just don't have time for it.-Commencement Speech, Wellesley 1969

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Laugh your heart out.

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

abalbalay ILOKANO

n. toy, plaything. v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ 1. to play with as with a toy; to trifle with. Saan mo nga …

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abat n {1} any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. …

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abilidad CEBUANO

abilidad n ability, capacity or skill to accomplish s.t. v [A12] obtain a certain ability. abilidaran a skilled, able. Abilidaran …

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abladu CEBUANO

abládu n {1} delivered in spoken fashion. Ang kúru abládu, dílì kantáhun, The chorus is spoken, not sung. {2} lines …

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abugagu CEBUANO

abugágu n dumb lawyer (play on the words abugádu lawyer and gágu stupid).

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abyirtu CEBUANO

abyirtu n seventh chord. v [A2; c1] play a seventh chord. Iabyirtu (abyirtúha) ang tapuy ig-abut sa dapit nga muingun …

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agtà n {1} supernatural man of dark complexion and extraordi-nary size, said to inhabit trees, cli? s, or empty houses. …

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ahidris CEBUANO

ahidris n chess set. v [AC3; c3] play chess. -an() n chessboard.

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akurdiyun CEBUANO

akurdiyun n accordion. v [A] play the accordion.

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al-alia ILOKANO

n. ghost, specter, apparition; spirit. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to haunt or visit, as a ghost; to play ghost on. Sino ti …

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álam (not without l) ka- n knowledge of some special field, spe-cific know-how. Wà kuy kaálam sa pagpanghílut, I have …

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adj. /NA-/ ugly, not pretty; improper, indecent. --var. (dial.) GALAS. 2 ALAS [f. Sp.], n. ace of playing cards. 3 …

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aliluya CEBUANO

alilúya n {1} alleluia, song in the church. {2} the name given to the child playing the role of the …

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alpa n harp. v [A1; a12] make a harp. paN- [A; b6] play the harp.

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altu n alto voice, part, or instrument. v [A; b6] play or sing the alto part. Altúhi ang átung áwit, …

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alu (not without l) aluálu v [A; a12] tease. Ug mag-aluálu kas irù, paakan ka, If you tease the dog, …

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ambisiyun CEBUANO

ambisiyun n {2} way of playing mahjong where one doesnt open as soon as he has mahjong but rather tries …

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angkub CEBUANO

angkub n a covering over the opening of a small boat, the ana-logue of a deck on large boats. v …

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anilyu CEBUANO

anilyu n {1} game in which a number of one-inch rattan or metal rings with ribbons are suspended at a …

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ánis, ánist a {1} honest. {2} in earnest. Ánis ka, way klási? Youre not kidding me, are you? Theres no …

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