"Pikbung" is a word in CEBUANO

pikbung CEBUANO

pikbung n {1} sound produced by the Japanese infantry rifles of World War II.
It fires with a tick followed by a bong.
{2} the rifle producing this sound.

Few words of positivity

The heart is the instrument of love it refutes lies and embrace love

Marcelle Hinkson

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: What can we do to stop polluting our waters ?Pupil: Stop taking baths ?


Authenticated by a seal; executed by the affixing of a seal. Also fas-tened up in any manner so as to …

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lágsì - To tear into fibres, strip (hemp, piña, maguey, etc.). Lagsiá ang lánot. Strip the hemp. Lagsií akó sing …

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intermissive ENGLISH

Having temporary cessations; not continual; intermittent.

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Municipal Corporation LAW AND LEGAL

A pub-iic corporation, created by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation; e. g., a …

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himutok TAGALOG

himutok Definition: (noun) outcry of disappointment or distress; whimper

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kanait CEBUANO

kanáit see náit.

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mirabilary ENGLISH

One who, or a work which, narrates wonderful things; one who writes of wonders.

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Hjerede Abducto LAW AND LEGAL

An anclent writ that lay for the lord, who, bavlng by right the wardship of bis tenant under age, could …

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Of, pertaining to, or resembling, plants of a natural order (Valerianaccae) of which the valerian is the type. The order …

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whirling ENGLISH

a. & n. from Whirl, v. t.

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quencher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, quenches.

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mahiwál - With lolling tongue, lolling the tongue, putting out the tongue, hanging out the tongue (as a dog panting …

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kirang CEBUANO

kírang = kindangkindang.

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kúta n quota, a certain quantity assigned to be met. v [A13; b6(1)] give s. o. a quota. Gikutáhan mig …

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timburine ENGLISH