"Municipal Corporation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Municipal Corporation LAW AND LEGAL

A pub-iic corporation, created by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation; e. g., a coun-ty, town, city, etc. 2 Kent, Comm. 275

Few words of positivity

Indomitable will, purposeful action

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

What did the Eskimo children sing when their principal was leaving? Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.

workbox ENGLISH

A box for holding instruments or materials for work.

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Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable.

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púkir n game of poker. v [AC; a] play poker.

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bipennated ENGLISH

Having two wings.

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samilya CEBUANO

samilya = similya.

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patád - Stake, bet, wager; to stake, bet, wager. Magpatád ka lang sing ápat ka sentimós—or—ipatád mo lang ang ápat …

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parterre ENGLISH

An ornamental and diversified arrangement of beds or plots, in which flowers are cultivated, with intervening spaces of gravel or …

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bayad2 Passive Verb: bayaran Definition: 1) payment, fare (noun) 2) paid for (adj) 3) to pay for, to compensate (verb) …

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compinge ENGLISH

To compress; to shut up.

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básil - Any hardened or dry matter sticking to, or wedged in between, other objects; to harden, thicken, incrust. Nagbásil …

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congest ENGLISH

To collect or gather into a mass or aggregate; to bring together; to accumulate.

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ensaláda - (Sp. ensalada) Salad; to make a salad, put in vinegar. Ensaladáha ang kapáyas. Make a salad of papaws. …

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marriage ENGLISH

The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, …

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úngas - To turn up one’s nose, sniff; to search after, look for, seek. (cf. dúngas).

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kagkag CEBUANO

kagkag = kalagkag.

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photogenic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to photogeny; producing or generating light.

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Possibility LAW AND LEGAL

An uncertain thing which may happen. A contingent interest in real or personal estate. Kinzle v. win-ston; 14 Fed. Cas. …

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parumuy-rumuy HILIGAYNON

parumúy-rúmuy - Laziness, indolence; to be lazy, indolent, to idle away the time in useless diversions or amusements. (cf. ligóy, …

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biradonde HILIGAYNON

biradónde - (Sp. redondo) A small round tomato.

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