"Petto" is a word in ENGLISH


The breast.

Few words of positivity

Luck I get,” she said when they’d sat in silence once more. “But why brave?”He shifted in his seat then sat forward, his gaze piercing through her. “Because, Natalia, love is a risk. Love from the depths of your soul requires a certain amount of sacrifice. It bids you to give yourself wholly to another. To allow someone to view you like a prism, assessing you at every angle, examining every flaw. You must lay yourself before them, open and bare, and say, ‘here I am. I hold nothing back. I am yours, mind, body, and soul.’ And all you can do is hope they don’t crush you.” He leaned closer. “But the man who truly loves you will tend to your heart like he tends a garden, nurturing it until it grows and blooms under his hand.

Leia Shaw, Destiny Unchained

Laugh your heart out.

Caller: Finally! I got through! I've been trying to call the zoo for hours! Zookeeper: Yes, all our lions were busy!


aba n breast of fowls.

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abá - (B) The back, shoulder-blades, scapula; the breast of a bird, especially of a fowl; to carry on the …

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ablactation ENGLISH

The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young beasts from their dam.

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abreast ENGLISH

Side by side, with breasts in a line; as, \"Two men could hardly walk abreast.\"

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A South American bird (Psophia crepitans), allied to the cranes, and easily domesticated; -- called also the gold-breasted trumpeter. Its …

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alabadu CEBUANO

alabádu v {1} [A; c1] clasp the hands on ones breast. Ug mual-abádu ang párì, sunud pud, If the priest …

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alagit-it HILIGAYNON

alagít-it - A bird like a lark with white breast and white down on the inside of its wings.

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alas-as ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to remove, strip, detach, tear off. Alas-asem amin nga lasag dayta pityo ti manok. Remove all the meat …

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angtad CEBUANO

angtad a be in line of sight. Angtad ra sa bintánà ang tíbi, You can watch TV through the window. …

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anticor ENGLISH

A dangerous inflammatory swelling of a horse's breast, just opposite the heart.

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antiyuhus CEBUANO

antiyúhus ug bíka v [A13] miss seeing s.t. too big to be over-looked (lit. wearing glasses made of potsherds). antrak, …

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aoudad ENGLISH

An African sheeplike quadruped (the Ammotragus tragelaphus) having a long mane on the breast and fore legs. It is, perhaps, …

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To lay or place; to put or adjust (one thing to another); -- with to; as, to apply the hand …

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bakungun CEBUANO

bakúngun n k. o. talisáyun-colored cock with dark green feathers interspersed with yellow feathers on the wings, sides, and breast.

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baldric ENGLISH

A broad belt, sometimes richly ornamented, worn over one shoulder, across the breast, and under the opposite arm; less properly, …

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bandolier ENGLISH

A broad leather belt formerly worn by soldiers over the right shoulder and across the breast under the left arm. …

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bangir ILOKANO

n. the other side, opposite side. --syn. BALLASIW. v. /-UM-/ to go or transfer to the other side. /-EN/ to …

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bantiyung CEBUANO

bantíyung n {1} oval-shaped squash, a variety of Lagenaria leu-canthea. {2} = balantíyung. -un a have sagging breasts like oval-shaped …

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bantuk CEBUANO

bantuk a {1} hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. {2} for muscles to …

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banug n k. o. large hawk with chocolate-brown feathers and a white-colored breast. v [b6] consider a hawk. () call …

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