"Petition" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


A written address, embodying an application or prayer from the persou or persons preferring it, to the power, body, or person to whom it is presented, for the exercise of hls or their authority in the re-dress of some wrong, or the grant of some favor, privilege, or license

petition ENGLISH

To make a prayer or request to; to ask from; to
solicit; to entreat; especially, to make a formal written supplication,
or application to, as to any branch of the government; as, to petition
the court; to petition the governor.

petition ENGLISH

To make a petition or solicitation.

petition ENGLISH

A prayer; a supplication; an imploration; an entreaty;
especially, a request of a solemn or formal kind; a prayer to the
Supreme Being, or to a person of superior power, rank, or authority;
also, a single clause in such a prayer.

petition ENGLISH

A formal written request addressed to an official person,
or to an organized body, having power to grant it; specifically (Law),
a supplication to government, in either of its branches, for the
granting of a particular grace or right; -- in distinction from a
memorial, which calls certain facts to mind; also, the written

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!


d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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hornbook ENGLISH

The first book for children, or that from which in former times they learned their letters and rudiments; -- so …

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phylactery ENGLISH

A small square box, made either of parchment or of black calfskin, containing slips of parchment or vellum on which …

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prayer ENGLISH

The form of words used in praying; a formula of supplication; an expressed petition; especially, a supplication addressed to God; …

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urasiyun CEBUANO

urasiyun n {1} special set prayers in the liturgy. {1a} a magical formula in Latin or pseudo-Latin which has curative …

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