"Percher" is a word in ENGLISH

percher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, perches.

percher ENGLISH

One of the Insessores.

percher ENGLISH

A Paris candle anciently used in England; also, a large
wax candle formerly set upon the altar.

Few words of positivity

My former identity was lying around, somewhere, fragmented and buried, like shards from an earlier civilization.

Laurie Nadel, Dancing with the Wind: A True Story of Zen in the Art of Windsurfing

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.


bag-u {2} -ng kaláyu, kandílà, túbig blessing of the New Fire, Easter Candle, and Holy Water on the night of …

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bílas - (Sp. vela) Candle, taper, dip. Isá ka bílas. One candle. N.B. Compare: Isá ka métros—one metre; isá ka …

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bismuth ENGLISH

One of the elements; a metal of a reddish white color, crystallizing in rhombohedrons. It is somewhat harder than lead, …

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candleholder ENGLISH

One who, or that which, holds a candle; also, one who assists another, but is otherwise not of importance.

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candlewaster ENGLISH

One who consumes candles by being up late for study or dissipation.

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dagkut CEBUANO

dagkut v [A; b6(1)] {1} light a flame, lamp, fire, etc. Dagkuti ang sigarilyu, Light the cigarette. Unsay ákung idagkut …

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extinguisher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, extinguishes; esp., a hollow cone or other device for extinguishing a flame, as of a …

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gunaw, gúnaw v [AB23(1); a] {1} melt, dissolve s.t. Usa ra ka bumba ang migúnaw sa isla, One bomb was …

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kadlit CEBUANO

kadlit v [A; a] {1} strike a match, put a match to s.t. Kadlíti ang mga kandílà, Light the candles …

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kandila CEBUANO

kandílà n candle. v [A13] use a candle. Walay kuryinti karung gabíi, magkandílà na lang ta, There will be no …

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lagduk CEBUANO

lagduk n {1} a small stake. {2} penis (humorous slang). {3} ang anínu noon (lit. for the shadow to have …

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layù a {1} far, distant. Layù kaáyu ang Urúpa, Europe is far away. Paryinti mi piru layù na, We are …

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parihu CEBUANO

Paríhu tag sinínà, gánì ang ímu putì, We have the same shirt, only yours is white. {3c} maáyu at least, …

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In the law of elections. The excess of the votes cast for one candl-date over those cast for any other, …

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san-antun CEBUANO

san-antun short for San Antonio Saint Anthony. pa- v [c] light a candle and implore St. Anthonys help in sending …

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tumba v {1} [AB12; a] for s.t. upright to fall over, cause it to do so. Kinsay nagtumba sa bisiklíta? …

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túnaw v {1} [AB123(1); a2] melt, dissolve. Nagtúnaw kug kandílà pára sa sawug, I melted some candles for the floor. …

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upus n {1} s.t. long used up until only a stub is left. Upus sa kandílà, Stump of a candle. …

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