"Pentabasic" is a word in ENGLISH

pentabasic ENGLISH

Capable of uniting with five molecules of a monacid
base; having five acid hydrogen atoms capable of substitution by a
basic radical; -- said of certain acids.

Few words of positivity

Cuteness in children is totally an adult perspective. The children themselves are unaware that the quality exists let alone its desirability until the reactions of grown-ups inform them.

Leontine Young

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.


mu- punctual active verbal prefix, future. (Past: mi- or ni-or ming-. Subjunctive: mu-. ) Muadtu ku didtu ugmà, I will …

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pentacid ENGLISH

Capable of neutralizing, or combining with, five molecules of a monobasic acid; having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution by …

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pentatomic ENGLISH

Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.

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