"Penfold" is a word in ENGLISH

penfold ENGLISH

See Pinfold.

Few words of positivity

It women knew what we were thinking they'd never stop slapping us.

Larry Miller

Laugh your heart out.

Who stole the sheets from the bed? Bed buglars.

pretend ENGLISH

To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise for something else; to exhibit as a veil for …

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Mutual dependence.

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calibration ENGLISH

The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a …

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Close-Hauled LAW AND LEGAL

In admiralty law, this nautical term means the arrangement or trim of a vessel’s sails when she endeavors to make …

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jacaranda ENGLISH

A genus of bignoniaceous Brazilian trees with showy trumpet-shaped flowers.

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tugnaw CEBUANO

tugnaw a cold to the touch, feel. Tugnaw kaáyu sa Bagyu, Its very cold in Baguio. v {1} [B] become …

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To act as a fag, or perform menial services or drudgery, for another, as in some English schools.

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A variety of pear of large size and excellent flavor.

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To cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to …

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imperatorial ENGLISH

Commanding; imperative; authoritative.

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ipoy-ipoy HILIGAYNON

ipóy-ípoy - Dim. of ipóy—a tuft of hair.

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magnitude ENGLISH

Greatness; grandeur.

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situated ENGLISH

Placed; residing.

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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A composition, vocal or instrumental, commonly of a lively, cheerful character, in which the first strain recurs after each of …

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rattlehead ENGLISH

An empty, noisy talker.

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vanward ENGLISH

Being on, or towards, the van, or front.

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mapánas - Wiping out, destroying, obliterating, rubbing out, removing all trace of, erasing. (cf. pánas).

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hardly ENGLISH

Certainly; surely; indeed.

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