"Patit" is a word in ILOKANO


v. /AG-/ to strike, to make known the time and the like by sounding, to peal. /MANG-:-EN/ to strike, ring, as a bell.

Few words of positivity

I have a very, very good life. I'm grateful for all of my friends, my family and the life that I have, and the possibilities in my future.

Raquel Welch

Laugh your heart out.

What's the hardest part of making monster soup? Stirring it.


aklas v [A; a2] go on strike. Ug dílì ta tugtan, aklásun nátù, If our demands are not met, well …

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n. ladle. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to ladle out; to hit, strike or beat with a ladle.

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alimukaw CEBUANO

alimúkaw n {1} state of semiconsciousness just before falling asleep or awakening. Ang íyang gisulti búnga lang sa íyang al-imúkaw, …

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alkuntra CEBUANO

alkuntra n s.t. put behind s.t. else which is to be hammered in order to absorb the blow, acting as …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to beat, to strike with a stick, pole, etc. so as to drop down. Aprasem dagita bunga ti …

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Anything that a man wears for hls defense, or takes ln hls hands, or uses ln his anger, to cast …

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badyung CEBUANO

badyung n prolonged humming, droning, buzzing sound. v {1} [A] make a droning sound. Magdalì ta kay mibadyung nang ayruplánu, …

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bakhan CEBUANO

bakhan n backhand slap, backhand stroke in tennis. v [A; a12] strike with a backhand slap or hit with a …

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bakyaw CEBUANO

bakyaw v [A; c] swing the arm to strike a blow.

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balaraw CEBUANO

balaraw n k. o. dagger. v [a12] make into, strike with a dagger.

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banda v [B3(1); c1] for s.t. heavy to strike and bounce o? s.t. Nabanda (mibanda) ang batu sa bungbung, The …

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bastruk CEBUANO

bastruk v [A; a1] strike s. o. with the butt of a gun. Bastrúkun ku siya ning karbin, Ill strike …

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bátir n {1} baseball bat. {2} one at bat. {3} ones turn in batting. v [A; a1] strike with a …

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batuta CEBUANO

batúta n {1} baton. {2} policemans billy. {3} penis (slang). v {1} [A; b] conduct an orchestra. {2} [a12] make …

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bay-on ILOKANO

n. a deep bag or sack generally made of strips of the leaves of the buri palm or of the …

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bigting CEBUANO

bigting v [A; b] strike an animal in the leg to disable it, usually in preparation for butchering it. Nagsaguyud …

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n. hump, bump; a protuberance, a swelling. v. /MANG-:-AN/ to cause to have a bump; to strike or knock with …

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búnal v {1} [AN; b6(1)] strike with a club or whip. Ayaw ku bunáli, Dont beat me. {2} [A; b(1)] …

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bungdul CEBUANO

bungdul v [A; ab2c] {1} strike s.t. stationary by poking s.t. at it. Bungdúla ang búnga ug dílì nímu masaka, …

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buslut CEBUANO

buslut v {1} [A3P; b5] make a hole. Ayaw buslúta ang púyu, Dont punch a hole in the paper bag. …

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