"Balaraw" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


baláraw - Dagger, poniard, stiletto, knife.
(cf. dága, punyál).

balaraw CEBUANO

balaraw n k.
v [a12] make into, strike with a dagger.

Few words of positivity

Genius as such can neither be explained nor treated away only at times its delay and inhibition and its perversion to destructive or self-destructive ends.

Erik Erikson

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the Aggie think the weatherman got the sunny forecast wrong?-The Aggie drove through a car wash

bioplast ENGLISH

A tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a living unit and having formative power, as a living white blood corpuscle; …

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Connection; arrangement; plan; as, the hang of a discourse.

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luminate ENGLISH
purveyor ENGLISH

One who provides victuals, or whose business is to make provision for the table; a victualer; a caterer.

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arrestee ENGLISH

The person in whose hands is the property attached by arrestment.

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monecious ENGLISH

See Monoecian, and Monoecious.

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countretaille ENGLISH

A counter tally; correspondence (in sound).

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babain ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to shame, disgrace or embarrass. Saan nak nga ibabain kadagiti gagayyem mo. Don’t shame me before your …

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excruciate ENGLISH

Excruciated; tortured.

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ánimas - (Sp. ánimas) The ringing of the churchbell in memory of the Souls in Purgatory. The usual time for …

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vociferate ENGLISH

To cry out with vehemence; to exclaim; to bawl; to clamor.

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mincer ENGLISH
mycoprotein ENGLISH

The protoplasmic matter of which bacteria are composed.

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piecer ENGLISH

A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.

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ganglion ENGLISH

A node, or gland in the lymphatic system; as, a lymphatic ganglion.

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germless ENGLISH

To stop, or fill up, as an opening; to shut; as, to close the eyes; to close a door.

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