"Parterie" is a word in ENGLISH

parterie ENGLISH

Articles made of the blades or fiber of the Lygeum
Spartum and Stipa (/ Macrochloa) tenacissima, kinds of grass used in
Spain and other countries for making ropes, mats, baskets, nets, and

Few words of positivity

I do protect human rights, and I hope I shall always be looked up as a champion of human rights.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What is the difference between a trombone and a trumpet?A: A trombone will bend before it breaks.


bítin - To draw—, pull—, lift—, haul—, up, hoist, to snatch with a swift motion. Bitína ang bátà. Lift up …

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An article of food made from flour or meal by moistening, kneading, and baking.

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A more or less solid article of confectionery made by boiling sugar or molasses to the desired consistency, and than …

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canterbury ENGLISH

A city in England, giving its name various articles. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury (primate of …

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d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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The superior courts, both of law and equity, were for centuries fixed at Westmiuster, an ancient palace of the monarchs …

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Articles of clothing made of fur; as, a set of furs for a lady (a collar, tippet, or cape, muff, …

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A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together …

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glassware ENGLISH

Ware, or articles collectively, made of glass.

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glasswork ENGLISH

Manufacture of glass; articles or ornamentation made of glass.

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heretic ENGLISH

One who having made a profession of Christian belief, deliberately and pertinaciously refuses to believe one or more of the …

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Inspection LAW AND LEGAL

The examination or test-ing of food, fluids, or other articles made subject by law' to such examiuatlou, to as-certain their …

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A detailed list of articles of property; a llst or schedule of property, contalnlng a designation or description of each …

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ironmongery ENGLISH

Hardware; a general name for all articles made of iron.

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ironware ENGLISH

Articles made of iron, as household utensils, tools, and the like.

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An article made of lead or an alloy of lead

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Legatum Optionis LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. A legacy to A. B. of any article or articles that A. B. liked to choose or …

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macaroni ENGLISH

Long slender tubes made of a paste chiefly of wheat flour, and used as an article of food; Italian or …

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Manufactory LAW AND LEGAL

A building, the main or principal design or use of which is to be a place for produclng articles as …

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A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made; …

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