"Paronymous" is a word in ENGLISH

paronymous ENGLISH

Having a similar sound, but different orthography and
different meaning; -- said of certain words, as al/ and awl; hair and
hare, etc.

paronymous ENGLISH

Having the same derivation; allied radically;
conjugate; -- said of certain words, as man, mankind, manhood, etc.

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and says, "Youknow, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"


A Dutch and German measure of liquids, varying in different cities, being at Amsterdam about 41 wine gallons, at Antwerp …

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aaron's rod ENGLISH

A rod with one serpent twined around it, thus differing from the caduceus of Mercury, which has two.

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Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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abduce ENGLISH

To draw or conduct away; to withdraw; to draw to a different part.

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aberration ENGLISH

The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same …

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Ab Inconvenienti LAW AND LEGAL

From hardship, or inconvenience. An argument founded upon tbe hardship of the case, and the in-convenience or disastrous consequences to …

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ablude ENGLISH

To be unlike; to differ.

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Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; …

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accent ENGLISH

A mark placed at the right hand of a letter, and a little above it, to distinguish magnitudes of a …

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accession ENGLISH

A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner of a corporeal substance which receives an addition by growth, or …

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acclimatize ENGLISH

To inure or habituate to a climate different from that which is natural; to adapt to the peculiarities of a …

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accommodate ENGLISH

To bring into agreement or harmony; to reconcile; to compose; to adjust; to settle; as, to accommodate differences, a dispute, …

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accommodation ENGLISH

An adjustment of differences; state of agreement; reconciliation; settlement.

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An agreement between two persons, one of whom has a right of action against the other, that the latter should …

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acephalocyst ENGLISH

A larval entozoon in the form of a subglobular or oval vesicle, or hydatid, filled with fluid, sometimes found in …

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Acquittance LAW AND LEGAL

In contracts. A writ-ten discharge, whereby one ls freed from an obligation to pay money or perform a duty. It …

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Lying near or close to; contiguous. The difference between adjacent and adjoining seems to be that the for-mer implies that …

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In the civil law. Adjunc-tion; a species of accessio, whereby two things belonging to different proprietors are brought into firm …

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adjust ENGLISH

To settle or bring to a satisfactory state, so that parties are agreed in the result; as, to adjust accounts; …

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admiral ENGLISH

A naval officer of the highest rank; a naval officer of high rank, of which there are different grades. The …

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