"Oxygenate" is a word in ENGLISH

oxygenate ENGLISH

To unite, or cause to combine, with oxygen; to treat
with oxygen; to oxidize; as, oxygenated water (hydrogen dioxide).

Few words of positivity

She who reconciles the ill-matched threadsOf her life, and weaves them gratefullyInto a single cloth – It’s she who drives the loudmouths from the hallAnd clears it for a different celebration.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Laugh your heart out.

That bull you sold me is a lazy good-for-nothing! I told you he was a bum steer!

acetone ENGLISH

A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, -- obtained …

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acetyl ENGLISH

A complex, hypothetical radical, composed of two parts of carbon to three of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Its hydroxide …

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One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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acidifier ENGLISH

A simple or compound principle, whose presence is necessary to produce acidity, as oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, etc.

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aerate ENGLISH

To expose to the chemical action of air; to oxygenate (the blood) by respiration; to arterialize.

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aeration ENGLISH

A change produced in the blood by exposure to the air in respiration; oxygenation of the blood in respiration; arterialization.

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aeration ENGLISH

The act or preparation of charging with carbonic acid gas or with oxygen.

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aerobies ENGLISH

Microorganisms which live in contact with the air and need oxygen for their growth; as the microbacteria which form on …

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aerobiotic ENGLISH

Related to, or of the nature of, aerobies; as, aerobiotic plants, which live only when supplied with free oxygen.

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Any aeriform body; a gas; as, oxygen was formerly called vital air.

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alumina ENGLISH

One of the earths, consisting of two parts of aluminium and three of oxygen, Al2O3.

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amphigen ENGLISH

An element that in combination produces amphid salt; -- applied by Berzelius to oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium.

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amylate ENGLISH

A compound of the radical amyl with oxygen and a positive atom or radical.

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anaerobies ENGLISH

Microorganisms which do not require oxygen, but are killed by it.

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animal ENGLISH

An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food …

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antozone ENGLISH

A compound formerly supposed to be modification of oxygen, but now known to be hydrogen dioxide; -- so called because …

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In medical jurisprudence, want of breath; difficulty in breathing; partial or temporary suspension of resplra-tion; specifically, such difficulty of resplra-tion' …

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The process of converting venous blood into arterial blood during its passage through the lungs, oxygen being absorbed and carbonic …

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arterialize ENGLISH

To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial.

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In medical jurisprudence. A morbid condition of swooning, Buffoca-tion, or suspended animation, resulting in death if uot relieved, produced by …

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