"Outsail" is a word in ENGLISH

outsail ENGLISH

To excel, or to leave behind, in sailing; to sail
faster than.

Few words of positivity

I earned my famous name.

Brian Wilson

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross a telephone and a marriage bureau ?A wedding ring !

That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired …

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admirable ENGLISH

Having qualities to excite wonder united with approbation; deserving the highest praise; most excellent; -- used of persons or things.

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admirableness ENGLISH

The quality of being admirable; wonderful excellence.

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admiration ENGLISH

Wonder mingled with approbation or delight; an emotion excited by a person or thing possessed of wonderful or high excellence; …

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akasya CEBUANO

akasya n monkey-pod tree, a large tree extensively planted as shade tree and producing excellent lumber: Samanea saman. akasyahan n …

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altitude ENGLISH

Height of rank or excellence; superiority.

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ambrosial ENGLISH

Divinely excellent or beautiful.

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ambúlung - A tropical plant, from whose berries an excellent mucilage is obtained and whose roots yield tapioca; a cassava …

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ámpag - A prominent place, a foremost, reserved or special seat; to choose a prominent seat, to sit in the …

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angelicalness ENGLISH

The quality of being angelic; excellence more than human.

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appreciation ENGLISH

A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence.

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The quality of being appreciative; quick recognition of excellence.

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attain ENGLISH

To reach in excellence or degree; to equal.

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balidikturyan CEBUANO

balidikturyan n {1} valedictorian. {2} one who excels in s.t. Basta mahitungud na gánì sa babáyi, balidikturyan siya ánang buháta, …

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bantul CEBUANO

bantul n k. o. small, excellent eating fish with poisonous spines, not deadly but very painful, and a frog-like face.

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The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). Hence, in the plural, an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for victory …

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beauty ENGLISH

A particular grace, feature, ornament, or excellence; anything beautiful; as, the beauties of nature.

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behind ENGLISH

Left a distance by, in progress of improvement Hence: Inferior to in dignity, rank, knowledge, or excellence, or in any …

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bellibone ENGLISH

A woman excelling both in beauty and goodness; a fair maid.

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Inferior to in rank, excellence, dignity, value, amount, price, etc.; lower in quality.

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