"Outbrave" is a word in ENGLISH

outbrave ENGLISH

To excel in bravery o/ in insolence; to defy with
superior courage or audacity

outbrave ENGLISH

To excel in magnificence or comeliness.

Few words of positivity

Reading is air in my lungs, fire in my blood, company in my thoughts.

Mala Naidoo

Laugh your heart out.

A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination. On the paper there was a single line which simply said: "Is this a question?" - Discuss. After a short time he wrote: "If that is a question, then this is an answer." The student received an "A" on the exam. A Boston brokerage house advertised for a "young Harvard graduate or the equivalent." Among the inquiries received was one from a Yale grad. He said, "Do you mean two Princeton men, or a Yale man part time?"

That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired …

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admirable ENGLISH

Having qualities to excite wonder united with approbation; deserving the highest praise; most excellent; -- used of persons or things.

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admirableness ENGLISH

The quality of being admirable; wonderful excellence.

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admiration ENGLISH

Wonder mingled with approbation or delight; an emotion excited by a person or thing possessed of wonderful or high excellence; …

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akasya CEBUANO

akasya n monkey-pod tree, a large tree extensively planted as shade tree and producing excellent lumber: Samanea saman. akasyahan n …

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altitude ENGLISH

Height of rank or excellence; superiority.

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ambrosial ENGLISH

Divinely excellent or beautiful.

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ambúlung - A tropical plant, from whose berries an excellent mucilage is obtained and whose roots yield tapioca; a cassava …

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ámpag - A prominent place, a foremost, reserved or special seat; to choose a prominent seat, to sit in the …

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angelicalness ENGLISH

The quality of being angelic; excellence more than human.

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appreciation ENGLISH

A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence.

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The quality of being appreciative; quick recognition of excellence.

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attain ENGLISH

To reach in excellence or degree; to equal.

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balidikturyan CEBUANO

balidikturyan n {1} valedictorian. {2} one who excels in s.t. Basta mahitungud na gánì sa babáyi, balidikturyan siya ánang buháta, …

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bantul CEBUANO

bantul n k. o. small, excellent eating fish with poisonous spines, not deadly but very painful, and a frog-like face.

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The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). Hence, in the plural, an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for victory …

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beauty ENGLISH

A particular grace, feature, ornament, or excellence; anything beautiful; as, the beauties of nature.

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behind ENGLISH

Left a distance by, in progress of improvement Hence: Inferior to in dignity, rank, knowledge, or excellence, or in any …

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bellibone ENGLISH

A woman excelling both in beauty and goodness; a fair maid.

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Inferior to in rank, excellence, dignity, value, amount, price, etc.; lower in quality.

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