"Oourt Of County Commission-Ers" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Oourt Of County Commission-Ers LAW AND LEGAL

There is in each county of Alabama a court of record, styled the “court of county commissioners,” composed of the judge of probate, as principal judge, and four com-missioners, who are elected ^t the times pre-scribed by law, and hold office for four years. Code Aia. 1886, § 819

Few words of positivity

If daughters couldn't soften a man, then nothing would.

Linda Weaver Clarke, Anasazi Intrigue

Laugh your heart out.

A little girl was playing in the garden when she spied two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a daddy long legs," her father answered. "So, the other one is a mommy long legs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy long legs." The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat. "Well, we're not having any of THAT in our garden."

Admission To Bail LAW AND LEGAL

The order of a competent court or magistrate that a person accused of crime be discharged from actual custody upon …

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Allocato Comitatu LAW AND LEGAL

TU. In old Eng-lish practice. In proceedings in outlawry, wheu there were but two county courts holden between the delivery …

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assize ENGLISH

The periodical sessions of the judges of the superior courts in every county of England for the purpose of administering …

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In old English law. An ob-solete writ, which commanded a sheriff or steward of a county court or hundred court …

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d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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Certiorari LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. (To be Informed of, to be made certain in regard to.) The name of a writ issued by a …

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City Of London Court LAW AND LEGAL

A court havlng a local Jurisdlction within the city of London. It ls to all intents and purposes a county …

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Civil Bill Court LAW AND LEGAL

A tribunal ln Ire-land with a jurisdiction analogous to that of the county courts ln England. The judge of lt …

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In oid English law. A county or shire; the body of a county. The territorial jurisdiction of a comes, i. …

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Corporation Courts LAW AND LEGAL

Certain courts in Virginia described as follows: “For each city of the state, there shall be a court called a …

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The building occupied for the public sessions of a court, with its va-rious offices. The term may be used of …

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The oldest court in the state of ( New York. Its Jurisdiction is unlimited as ' respects amount, but restricted …

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Court Of Hustings LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. The county court of London, held be-fore the mayor, recorder, and sheriff, but of which the recorder …

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In English law. A court for the trial of cases of treason and felony. The commis-sloners of assise and nisi …

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Court Of Passage LAW AND LEGAL

An Inferior court, possessing a very ancient Jurisdiction over causes of action arising within the bor-ough of Liverpool. It appears …

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Court Of Pleas LAW AND LEGAL

A court of the county palatine of Durham, having a local common-law jurisdictlon. It was abolished by the judicature act, …

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Courts in England composed of two or more commissioners, called “judges of assize,” (or of “assize and nisi prius,") who …

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Courts Of Request LAW AND LEGAL

Inferior courts, in England, having local jurisdic-tion in claims for small debts, established in various parts of the kingdom by …

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In English law. A species of pri-vate court which formerly appertained to the counties palatine of Lancaster and Durham

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De Coronatore Eligendo LAW AND LEGAL

Writ for electing a coroner. A writ issued to the sheriff in England, commanding him to pro-ceed to the election …

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