"Obstructer" is a word in ENGLISH

obstructer ENGLISH

One who obstructs or hinders.

Few words of positivity

Many great people have experienced some kind of failure. They build on the lessons from failing to become great.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Laugh your heart out.

How do scaredy-cats answer the phone? Yellow?


v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to block, blockade; to obstruct; to ambush, Isuda ti nangarang kaniak. They were the ones who ambushed …

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balising CEBUANO

balísing v [A; c1] {1} transfer an activity elsewhere. Ibalísing (balisíngun) ni nátung átung ínum, Let us move our drinking …

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A severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, due to spasm, obstruction, or distention of some one of the hollow viscera.

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estoppel ENGLISH

A stop; an obstruction or bar to one's alleging or denying a fact contrary to his own previous action, allegation, …

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halang TAGALOG

halang2 Active Verb: humalang Definition: (verb) to barricade, to use one's self as an obstruction Examples: Humalang sa pinto si …

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A stop or sudden halt; a stoppage; an impediment; a temporary obstruction; an obstacle; as, a hitch in one's progress …

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modest ENGLISH

Restraining within due limits of propriety; not forward, bold, boastful, or presumptious; rather retiring than pushing one's self forward; not …

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Obstructing Process LAW AND LEGAL

In criminal law. The act hy which one or more persons attempt to prevent or do prevent the execution of …

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Obstruction LAW AND LEGAL

This is the word properly descriptive of an injury to any one’s

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One who hinders progress; one who obstructs business, as in a legislative body.

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preventer ENGLISH

One who prevents or obstructs; a hinderer; that which hinders; as, a preventer of evils or of disease.

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pungá - Having the nostrils stuffed, clogged, stopped or obstructed; talking through the nose. Táo nga pungá. One whose nose …

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Quare Obstruxit LAW AND LEGAL

wherefore he obstructed. In old English practice. A writ which lay for one who, having a liberty to pass through …

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sampung CEBUANO

sampung v {1} [A; b(1)] cover or obstruct an opening or passage. Akuy musampung ug tabla ánang bangag arun walay …

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síut a {1} crowded. Síut didtu sa sini kay maáyu ang pilikula, It was crowded in the movie house because …

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stopper ENGLISH

One who stops, closes, shuts, or hinders; that which stops or obstructs; that which closes or fills a vent or …

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tumalapna HILIGAYNON

tumalápnà - One or that which stops, puts an end to, hinders, impedes, obstructs something. Tumalápnà-kaláyo. A fireman, fire-extinguisher. (cf. …

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umululang HILIGAYNON

umulúlang - One who (that which) hinders or obstructs something; obstructive, obstructionist. (cf. uláng).

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umulupang HILIGAYNON

umulúpang - Hinderer, obstructer, preventer; one who (that which) hinders, etc. (cf. upáng, umulúlang).

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The rlght of prospect; the outlook or prospect from the windows of one's house. A species of urban servltude whlch …

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