"Nucleolus" is a word in ENGLISH

nucleolus ENGLISH

A little nucleus.

nucleolus ENGLISH

A small rounded body contained in the nucleus of a cell
or a protozoan.

Few words of positivity

Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.

Thomas Jefferson

Laugh your heart out.

Q: When will there be a woman in the White House?A: When Hillary leaves town.

blastide ENGLISH

A small, clear space in the segments of the ovum, the precursor of the nucleus.

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A unit of chemical attraction; as, oxygen has two bonds of affinity. It is often represented in graphic formulae by …

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carinaria ENGLISH

A genus of oceanic heteropod Mollusca, having a thin, glassy, bonnet-shaped shell, which covers only the nucleus and gills.

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center ENGLISH

A principal or important point of concentration; the nucleus around which things are gathered or to which they tend; an …

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centrosome ENGLISH

A peculiar rounded body lying near the nucleus of a cell. It is regarded as the dynamic element by means …

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chalaza ENGLISH

The place on an ovule, or seed, where its outer coats cohere with each other and the nucleus.

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chromosome ENGLISH

One of the minute bodies into which the chromatin of the nucleus is resolved during mitotic cell division; the idant …

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The envelope of a comet; a nebulous covering, which surrounds the nucleus or body of a comet.

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A member of the solar system which usually moves in an elongated orbit, approaching very near to the sun in …

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cytoblast ENGLISH

The nucleus of a cell; the germinal or active spot of a cellule, through or in which cell development takes …

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cytococcus ENGLISH

The nucleus of the cytula or parent cell.

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cytoplasm ENGLISH

The substance of the body of a cell, as distinguished from the karyoplasma, or substance of the nucleus.

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d8gregarin ENGLISH

An order of Protozoa, allied to the Rhizopoda, and parasitic in other animals, as in the earthworm, lobster, etc. When …

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diaster ENGLISH

A double star; -- applied to the nucleus of a cell, when, during cell division, the loops of the nuclear …

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enchylemma ENGLISH

The basal substance of the cell nucleus; a hyaline or granular substance, more or less fluid during life, in which …

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endoblast ENGLISH

Entoblast; endoplast. See Nucleus,

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endoplastica ENGLISH

A group of Rhizopoda having a distinct nucleus, as the am/ba.

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entoplastic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or composed of, entoplasm; as, the entoplastic products of some Protozoa, or the entoplastic modification of the cell …

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envelop ENGLISH

The nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; -- called also coma.

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